Friday 16 August 2019

I dropped my soul in the netherworld too XD... The Balance!

la la la la~ Ebah's world ♥: Oops I dropped my soul in the netherworld: Been a while since I wrote a new post; though I've been updating my cosplay progress post once in a while! My whole life recently has b...




This....I recently posted on the lost feeling I was and am currently having.... whilst I was checking out the other posts, I found that this post above sounds to me the most right now. Although may not be similar, I feel that I don't think I could have any other better words to describe the state I am in now.

"You are not your art. If your work fails, it doesn't mean you've failed" (Credits: Eva) I think I have grasp this concept now but will need some time to instill it into myself.

But yeah...Love, love, love! Bless this post~
Really like the last part which echos right to the heart even more so right now...Thanks Eva for the insight and the quote, it's inspirational ^^.
It's strange because recently, given the summer break this time now, even though I've just been chilling I constantly feel like I'm running out of time for all the things I committed myself to getting done, one of which was to like to kind of chill lol. I'm not sure if that makes sense ahahaha but yeah, I think I know what I'll need to do now haha. (Organzing much?)

Long time ago, when I was much younger I would be having some fun in editing videos for amvs and at the same time I used to feel like I would be behind in like watching anime/k-dramas on my to-do or watch list (Lol, pretty pathetic? XD). But now it's pretty much the opposite, What to do with myself? Hahaha

Overall, if I could think of the perfect way to sum this up, it would be not only finding the "purpose" but to finding the right balance.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

An update of Summer 2019

Heyy guys it's been quite a long time since I actually did post a blog post on the spot haha 😅.
I swear I'm not that great when it comes to blogging or doing some of the things on time and so I apologise for not keeping up to write up a blog, as it was one of my New Years resolutions now that I am looking back at it. 👉👈

Lately I have been feeling a little bit lost so heads up, this post seems to underlay some of the sad tones and thoughts haha. 💭

It's coming up to nearly an end of Summer 2019 I feel, and with my eyes still not getting better as I've been suddenly contracting some sort of infection with what seems like to be bacterial conjuctivitis (Will post about this hopefully soon), I just want to say despite being on a holiday mode from Uni and all from like the past 3-4 months (coming up to 3), some things was and is still quite a roller coaster in terms of the emotions. Don't get me wrong I actually enjoy do my summer life right now this year equally as I would be abroad; This year I didn't go anywhere special or abroad so I lived my life like a NEET you could say this time haha. Although I have wrote of what seem like 4 months of break (Mid May-June-July-August), I actually spent couple of weeks out of the from around the second week of June to revise as our student results was released to which I found out I had to retake two exams. One of the exam was dispensing which was a critical that didn't come out much of a shock as we were told in separate emails quite in advance, the exam result on the other hand despite being dispatch that day wasn't that much of a shock either as I had a feeling that I didn't do that well. That time I felt that if I don't pass that even if I do pass the other one, I would still have to stay back a year. Regardless of my hard work it wouldn't be recognised. Either way, I felt pretty bummed out that time. Nevertheless, I still did try to revise as I didn't want to feel regret altogether or add another burden to the workload if need be.

Come the re-sit results day that came out around the 19th of July, my institution was right as I found out that I passed the dispensing...Hooray! Thank. the. Lord! But I ended up still didn't passing the other exam which was the Pharmaceutical of Chemistry and Analysis (PCA) and for that I knew exactly the reason. Again I don't want to sound more negative than it is already is nor push the blame, but my relatives came over- What's even more my niece came over to sleep over that time, breaking one of my precious limited edition toys (This I swear. Never again.) I silently scream in agony as I didn't see any way to fix her in that moment of time. Regardless of what had happened, I have now been pulled back to stay for another year. I can't help but to feel quite worthless but most of all back to being really lost just like I did back at A-levels...
I tried to plead and sought for help about a week later with two of the module leaders but neither of them to have any care of the world, saying it was non-negotiable.

Back to now on the 14/08/19, can't help but to feel even more helpless and lost. As day go by from now, I feel anxious as to what the future has in store for me. Should I really carry on to study this course, Pharmacy? Should I switch? Or should I just stopped education altogether haha. I really don't know.... *Sigh* Pondering.....

I guess On the bright side of things, I finally got myself a part-time job now and it's pretty close to my home as well ^^. And for that part, I am grateful. Kamsahamnida 💟

Monday 10 June 2019

BTS Concert! ~1st of June~ A Day to Remember!! 💕

FSFDSAFDSG! hfdahfoshafhidfiohrhhfoh 
Flip pi di da bi di doo! My hearttt~

O M G- You would not believe what happen!!! 🙈😆.......
Ok, Well you can probably tell from the name of the title of this post already so I'll just get straight to it 😅😊
Basically I went to the BTS concert 🙈 Yep....I still can't believe it even til this date either!
I think my heart could leap out of my mouth at any moment as I type this up. Kyaaa

I don't even know where to begin to be honest. Part of me want to summarise first whilst another part of me really want to start from the beginning to tell the whole story but then I feel it might too long-winded that it might miss some and most of all, miss the one & only important point that I want to get across in this particular post (and probably too long would be draggy too? Haha Considering when it's comes down to me explaining, but honestly I can assure this post is really something special- Probably too good to miss!!)

Ok riighttt, so I've decided. I'll do both. I will start off by summarising it off quickly with the point that I want to say.
To grasp the situation it's all down to this gorgeous young man 😍😚.  Honestly Without him, I think I would have been killed or probably even worse die of the ever more stress. A total Life saver he is. Literally save my life in every way possible that in that moment of time I could almost call him my fairy godfather? No that sound wrong! I think since we're both of similar age, it would perhaps be more appropriate/ fitting to call him Prince Charming haha 🙈💓
He literally is a dream.

That being said, here's like a letter of appreciation which I highly doubt he would ever read lol. But I just want to put my thoughts here as, in all honesty and seriousness, I can't thank him enough.

Dear YOU (TicketMaster West wing Ticket collection Blue-ish green eyes Boy- Sorry couldn't find a better description/name!), 
Thank you for the ever wonderful memories you have made for me. You definitely have made my day and I honestly regretted that I haven't got your name down- I wish I did! Unfortunately I can only just about now remember a gist of your face, a hair cut with curls and some spike? Though strangely enough and somehow its your seemly piercing green-ish blue eyes that strongly calls me and so with that, I could only just about describe you with that much ahaha 😅.
Anyway enough with this, I would just like to let you know that not only have you seriously restore my faith on that day but you have also put in source/ boost of a motivation in me. Really glad to have encounter you and for your help. I wish you all the happiness and goodness in the world! 
- Adeline~

Annddd There you go. (Probably did sounded like a love confession there lol 💞 Well He did made feel like Cinderella in that twinge of the moment of "You're going to the ball!" and so with that to be honestly I secretly thought he was much cooler than BTS 🙊)

Ok ok, now I probably hear you screaming..... How did it really all began!?!

Well it all started....  R U READY!?! XD

Wednesday 29 May 2019

BLACKPINK Concert....they came at last to London *squeal* (22nd MAY 2019)

FINALLY!! The concert I have been waiting for.....- BLACKPINK in your area ;)) 22/05/19 
A post that I now actually sat down and do my entry before it's too late 😬 ~The vivid memory~ (Honestly Mannn, I really should ought to speed things up a little 😅)

It's been roughly a week, writing this on a Monday bank holiday ha, going to post this on a Wednesday, when it's officially a week since Blackpink came.
But o m g they were amazing, 😍 To see them performing live was honestly a. dream. come. true!!! 💖💖💖. My baes were all wonderful and sparkling- They were shining!!~~ The entrance to the stage was magnificent that it quickly enraptures you and takes your breathe away... The smoke effect was really something. I have a lot of bias in the group to be honest (Top two once being Jennie and Lisa- Sorry Rose, don't mean to seclude you!), but my favourite bias is ultimately Jisoo now given the fact that we mainly share the same birthday (no lie, I found out the day before our birthday and I call myself a fan as well lol ), During the concert She was so captivating by singing an English cover along with Lisa next- She's da bomb, can do no wrong I swear~~😍😍😍 performing Swalla (😙 Make' em whistle like a missile bomb bomb ;) . I was in awe especially that flex of that sexy bum- You go girl!!- impressed how they performed live. Jennie was a bad bi*ch, she was so cool!! Performing her solo called "Solo" ;) . The swag right after Lisa performance. And last but not least, I haven't forgotten- Rose~~- Now despite Jisoo being my bias, I gotta say Rose is so good. Her vocal chord is crystal clear and her voice speaking to us all in English was noice- Jennie's English was also on par too. Every single one of them are top notch- a quality performance right there!
I wish they were perform longer though- That's the was only downside..........Ok, I lieeee.- Not only the performance was way too quick in my opinion to finish compared to Monster X where I watched them performed back in Mid June 2018 (yes they came to London as well (coming to London once again) and I'll make an entry and put a link here), but I also wish I had more memory storage on my phone to film them *sigh* (Stupid me for being much better prepared despite knowing this all along lol, can't self pity here I'm afraid)
Note to self: Please ensure you are way prepared by either getting enough storage space before you film or get a camera set!! so that you can replay your moments an artist or band especially if they are your favourite (no shizzle) 😅😭😂

 My ticket!! First time on using it on the app lol- pretty neat!

GRWM (Get Ready With Me) 😊

Getting the look finalised-  I call it the BlackPink Look (Very original haha) (An entry of that look will be put on the blog hehe)

Monday 20 May 2019

GRWM!! (Get Ready with Me!!)

Ok righttt, Almost a week has pass since exam are over, I know I said my mood was sullen over the previous post which was true.... but it was to a certain extent. There's abit more of a back story to that.... so as soon as I found out I didn't do so well of that dispensing exam, my mind couldn't help but keeps on going back to it, so I ended up being too frustrated to do any revision, which made me for on the last 2 days (Sunday 12/05/19) before the final exam, (I decided on a whim, yes I know it's quite bad 😅) to get myself a colour contact lens.
Yep that's right....Well, to be honest I don't really regret that decision, I mean I sorta felt great and thank myself for being quite bold more like lol. I hope I don't sound so self-entitled here but I feel that it's time I should treat myself a little ahaha. Beside I thought it would look great for the ahem *blackpink* concert and so with that in mind, I had to hope for the best, praying for the item to arrive on time. It was pretty risky, so please don't be like that and plan in advance!
I spent roughly like an hour or 2 to find what sort of colour I should do, I feel like I want something different to my usual eye colour (dark brown) to something that quite stand out? That's when I find out this eye colour, the real sky which entices me to straight away to buy it.

Isn't it Gorgeous? 😍 

 Then now today, it finally arrives 😊 -Today's the day!! Monday 20th of May, my baby has arrived

The outer packaging gives off a this really cool edgy pink colour that wow you off  ^^

and o m g, the pagacking is so tiny and lovely as well 💕 LOVE Love Love it


I then did some testing out and play around with the makeup in order to create the look that I wanted and so ended with the following

Before and After haha

Gosh I'm so lovin' it!!! 😍😍😍😊

The above videos you can see I was trying to open the contact lenses lol. They are pretty tight beware haha.

Edit: Overall, after wearing the lenses for about a week now, I can say these lenses are still comfortable I would say after wearing a good 8 hours it does get a little be sore so try not to wear them too long ^^

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Exams over (for the time being) with One week till BlackPink Comes down to London!

Hawoo hawoo hello, its been a while. Honestly, what can I say. TAT 
I literally cannot remember how April went apart from this car accident that happened on the 2nd (Omo \oAo/). (Again I shall quickly write an entry on that). 

This academic year has been nothing but a whole loada stress. I know I said it many times but honestly I cannot emphasise this strongly. It can be officially said, this is a joke now. Whilst Exams for 2nd year for Pharmacy are officially over.....I can't help but have this mixed feeling on me (more will be said down below). 
Really didn't want this to happen but y'know it just happens....

Basically Whilst revising for my final last exam (which was yesterday), the result for one of the module comes in, it happened to be right after my 2nd exam (that module), I can't help but to have a quick peak at my results only to falter at the sore sight of having to retake one of the test. It was the critical elements which means you need to pass these all in order to move onto the next stage (the 3rd year). There were 3 that you must pass (thank the lord) and suprisingly I passed the other 2, one being the exempt lab (I thought I fail that) which I mentioned before in my previous entry I believe. At first, I didn't cry but then after a good few hours later along with my mum seeing this result (I don't know how that ended up to be), I gave in and broke down like mad- it hit me like a ton of bricks. Honestly the past few days was so bad, to the point that having to revise for that exam in particular was so. damn. hard. Apart from receiving my a-levels results, I don't think I have ever felt that strongly demotivated. Not to mention that module wasn't particularly any interesting in the beginning and also quite hard on top of that.
It was dispensing that I failed. I was really upset given that I have tried my very best, the ultimate you could say for it...yet to know that you have once again fail and that what's even worse is that you're the only one in your small group chat to have fail. It was heart wrenching. I was completely shattered. 
I really want to give up, pondering whether is there any point to carry on with this course anymore and to ditch & forget that last exam in that moment in time but I know I just can't do that..... 
Having come that far, I know I have to least cry trying then die, then try or else that regret for not revising much could be worse, not that afterwards or me typing this up was any better but at least I did what I was suppose to be doing.
Anyhow, there's goes the sum of my life since April, sorry for this dull post. I don't want to do this but a few days back then, it really did sullen the mood... now it's just the wait for Blackpink which at first I was really looking forward but now it's not much exciting as I imagine it out be, now that I know that I have to resit for dispensing in the baggage (for the 3rd time T_T) *sigh* oh and also for the rest of the results too....

Ok, right....Enough!!! Cheer up~ 💟 It is a crime to be sad on the first day of the holiday hahaha.
Oh right! My mum was so kind to have brought some sort of lucky charm (Turns out she ask the sender if this could be sent over by 1st class since luckily the postage was included so the getting it by 1st class wasn't much of a biggie). My heart melt right there 😭.

Here's the picture of the lucky charm that was just before the final exam hahaha. It's a picture of the rat (my chinese zodiac sign) if can't tell? I mean I don't blame you, at first I couldn't but then after having a good week or two now, I can see finally make shape of it lol. Really fortunate and blessed overall. 🙏

A much closer view   

Sunday 17 March 2019

Another Scandolous scam! + Boiler fixed!! [Busy Busy week despite Friday off! Woohoo!]

Wooohoooo, and another busy week it has been! Bustling our way for what there is to come.

Despite Friday given as a day off (woohoo!- I was so flipping glad!), I still find myself pretty stressed- literally had a mental breakdown today ahaha. I think it was due to the fact I kind of abused the fact that I actually had a day off from uni on Friday. I literally slept quite a lot here and there that day (I honestly dunno why), even though I tell myself I would get up early (as usual) and wanted to revise as much as possible on the day with a good break (watching anime?) in between but ended up doing the opposite instead 😅😖 (Grrr).
Anyways, things happen happened sadly, and from now on try to really prioritise on what to do and then, cram in as much as possible in this space of time.

Ok, so lots of thing have happened beside studying of course... First My cousin and her friend came to pay us a visit ^^. However sadly, another scam has happen.
And so another tale beings....

My cousin and her friend was walking out on the street coming close to our home on our street pathway at around 10pm, when suddenly they were accosted by a man claiming to be a lost Italian tourist needing some directions. He asked them where they are from and whether or not, if they live around here. After learning that they are not from the UK and that they are here visit our house, he left them alone when this time two guys all of a sudden walk up to them claiming to be some sort of British police officers. They swiftly flash the torchlight and at the same time show their I.D card with their face on it, indicating to my cousin and her friend that they are legit. They then demanded to see their belongings, insinuating that they could be involved in drug trafficking with the lost Italian tourist due to our area potentially having drug dealers. Of course, they didn't have a choice- how was they suppose to know what a real warrant card look like? 

They search the Italian tourist first, then proceed to search my cousin and her friend- they had their luggage on them. The so-called 'police officers' then claim in addition to the potential drug dealing in our area, that there has also been some cases of money laundering. Therefore with this statement, they too reached out to take my cousin's friend money envelope out of her fanny pack and started to count the money, as well as counting their belongings in the luggage at the same time. This all happen really quickly with the 'police officers' loudly claiming back afterwards that there is nothing wrong and so releasing them. The 'police officers' then show them with their hands in action that they have put the belongings back into the luggage including the money. 

It was not until when they arrived at our house that they told us of this case, and that we exclaim to them that there shouldn't be such thing in terms wanting to search the money. So that is when they quickly went back to search their belonging, did they realised had been scammed but most of all robbed. After all this have happened, we strongly urge my cousin and took her to visit the nearest police station.

I am so mad that this has happen! Honestly, what has happen to us this year 😅 that we deserve to receive this 😫😂 (Biggest effector was my mum and my cousin- really what a start of a year to them!)

Also did I tell you this- our boiler is finally fixed 🙌 after a month or two of just the boiler going bipolar on us- With hot water the next, then cold water afterwards! This happen back in the middle of January? A complete shambles this has been, We had to use whatever resources had such as getting a huge saucepan to boil the water along with the kettle, we then use that to mixed the waters and help us shower.
Apparently our boiler was like over 40 years old, which brings us to have no choice but to ultimately having to spend like £1000 to get it fixed once and for all. Anyhow, I'm not complaining for I am glad it is now fixed ^^

Sunday 10 March 2019

Work it, Twerk it! (Don't know what to call this now...) and a (Scandalous) Internet Scam!

Wow, So much has happen like.... 💥
First of all may I just say that:

1. January- It was horrible. I can't believe it was long. This is the first time I have despise this month, despite it given to be my birthday month lol. 😅 I don't know, my emotions were really on a rollercoaster I feel....

2. February- That went super fast 😮- it's crazy how I can feel how short it really was

3. March- And now it's 3rd month into 2019. Woah.

There's a meme on those 3 points above to which made me agree on this strongly, if this wasn't put out... I don't think I would put this here?

Anyways, I honestly I can't remember the last time I felt so burnt out. That is just how bad it is.... to the point that I feel numb?!?!
I thought A-levels were bad enough but I guess I was wrong.... 😓😭😭😅😂 Even GCSEs before A-levels, Geezzz! Can't believe I thought all that was like..... hard?! (What a joke this has become?! 😅😂😂)

and now back to the reality!...Assignment after assignment, then really... a small exam after an assignment?!! (which we called it Progress Test as so to speak) that counts to one of our module marks overall- Had to cram that all of these in like 3 days?!!- then now we got the clinical simulations to focus on as it's this coming Tuesday as well as the presentation (This also counts!) which is the week after, along with the Extemporaneous (Exempt) lab (Making of medical products) 😭- Oh my flipping Goddd!!

Like don't get me wrong! I know I shouldn't complain as almost everyone I know are pretty much in a similar boat or probably had it worse? But I just can't help but would like to express my feelings and thoughts here? As well as I understand the importance and the stress that comes with this particular course, since it is the price to pay afterall 😒 ahaha 😅 But I honestly think that this could be little bit more organised especially coming towards the end of the academic year as well as some of the things that really aren't that important as it sounds, like the dispensing test and especially the exempt lab, I feel they shouldn't really be like a critical PASS or FAIL tasks. There's just so much to ask for 2nd year especially this month in my opinion 😔

As mentioned before, I had the progress test after the assignment which was kindly extended to a Monday Midday instead due my uni renovating the online system, so I guess we were lucky in the sense where can make the assignment to the 'best' quality, but then we would have the test on Friday morning (08/03/19), wtf ?! it looks like I have Monday (Day 1) to Thursday (Day 4), 4 days to revise all the content even to quite latest lecture we've been taught last week in total but in reality I had 2-3 days to revise instead, as Tuesday was the exempt lab to prepare for- Luckily that was still a formative! but still it's a shambles...really 😔 *Sigh*

On top of that! OMG, I don't know if I mentioned this here before....I doubt I have did so here it goes....Long story short, our internet connection was down for like a week or 2 with the signal coming back on but it was still fluctuating back at home. So, then some fucking sick bastards decides to take advantage of this situation by calling my mum (Poor her, honestly she always seem to encounter these sort of bad people...) to get her into getting the computer system- These bloody fraudsters😡😡. This all happened after the test on the Friday, that I decide to give a call to my mum to see what is the situation was with the WiFi, as we call our provider to send a new router on Wednesday/Thursday to which it had arrive on a Friday. My mum then filled me in on she got a call from our provider on how our system seem to be hacked. This was NOT the case. I found this all out later that evening- sending me chills to the bone. I tend to reflect on things that has happen... so much to the point that even now as I write this up, that I can't believe I would also get trap in this sort of thing, making me gullible (At first I thought it was genuine but then I would think it is not.... I don't know if this makes sense but yeah...). I swear these people will pay for their sins.
I would write up lot about this...but it requires some screenshot to include here which I feel and think is better to justify and understand the whole picture. Right now, there's just so much to write about and be informed. Instead, I have put some links on here which was very similar to what happened to us. Sadly this obviously was not the first case to have happened in the world....

Link 1: 
Link 2: 

By me writing this here, not only would it help myself I feel.... but for everyone as I hope that it would bring some more awareness of this sort of situation. Though I doubt anyone would be reading this? Ahaha...If anyone manages to read this, congratulations! 😅😂😂

Ok, so onto my Cousin's (Victor) Play !! Which was on very next day, Saturday! Woooop, The weekend has finally arrived~

Sunday 24 February 2019

Happy Chap Mei Goh! (+ small eventful stuff?- Whatsapp (letting go)

From Twitter: Ainhoa (Malaysia)
Surprise Surprise,

It's Me again! 😆 Not only a a quick update on the blog (where this is now a week after from the previous blog- I am trying to aim a weekly post? XDD) but also A NEW title of post hehe ^^
Which brings me to talk about the Phrase: "Chap Got Meh" --- 1.
I wanted to bring this post up on Tuesday 19th of February given that this phrase means: ......
Wait! Lemme quickly google it 😅😋 (Can't believe I've forgotten what it exactly means despite knowing it??- Have you ever had this before?! Where you know what it means, but you just can't put it into words?!! This almost always happens to me)

Ah Ok, I finally got the definition up...I should have said it before, I think I have a brain freeze lol (Typing this all up in the night now ahahaha) since it's very simply put and known as:

"On the fifteenth day of Chinese New Year, technically the final day of the festival, is a day known as Chap Goh Mei. In the Hokkien dialect, Chap Goh Mei simply means "the 15th night of Chinese New Year".  -- Abstract taken from: 

More can be found out in the above link!

Ok, so anyways what makes this phrase so special and why am I emphasising it?
Firstly, this girl here has just found out about this word! Like I thought I am already Chinese enough but clearly this word shows and proves to me that I am not 😅😂😂
It blew my mindddd to know that for 22 YEARS (Yes 22- unfortunately tad late for it to be not discovered at age 21) that this word exist! It shook me to the core not going to lie lol, How I found this word out was via instagram where I first saw Angelababy posing in Chinese characters of Chap Goh Mei in addition to this my cousin took some celebratory pictures of last (15th) day of Chinese New Year (CNY) with the word, Chap Goh Mei. This spark my curiosity and interest. It was not until I perk up the courage to ask my cousin what that word meant, with a hunch and educational I guess it to be the last day of CNY which indeed it was the case.
I will never forget my excitement/ discovery of such word lol.

2. A knack for tech- Submitting Assignment almost at the last! 😅 (Friday 22nd February)

😂 I have to say..... I have been having lots of bumping in with technical issues starting from from my phone especially... (Storage issues) 😅😂. First discovery of an App by 'jail breaking' through the country/region on an apple store lol to installing the scanning app for my HP printer to now the very latest discovery of uploading photos and combing them all into one PDF (What a pain in the a** 😂 of that was but sadly it's got to be done) and then finally getting them scanned individually using my uni scanner lol, as on that day with the deadline at 4pm in the late afternoon!! I swear to god, I thought it was the usual midnight submission deadline but luckily my gut feeling been's telling me to double check in the morning and oh boy, was I glad I did that (if not I would probably been slightly chilled and end up missing it!) but at the same time slightly panicking on whether or not I was going to make the submission on time given that I had a mandatory lab class to attend to.😬 Without a second thought, I quickly packed my Mac and headed straight off to the train station where I did some touch up of the assignment and also finalise it along the way loool- even on the bus from the train station to the uni I was resorted to this hahaha.
Despite my first submission was on the bus, I eventually have to get my assignment re-submitted. I ended up re-submitting it 1.5 hours before the deadline, as the first submission as soon I sent it I found out Part 1 of the assignment was partially incomplete (Jesus!!), this led me feeling slightly frustrated and stressed (nowhere reassured) but also that I had to come to a stop in preparation for the mandatory summative lab class.
Luckily the summative Lab class didn't take the whole 3 hours and ended 1 hour early.
Prior to this, I also remembered my tutor group was scheduled for a group meeting with the 4th year pharmacy students which, that again ended up adding more of a stress... luckily the meeting ended up much more shorter than usual due to my tutor didn't turn which turns out she was unable to attend.
Free from 1:30pm, I ended up finally finalised and complete the assignment at around 2:30pm where as mentioned before 😆.
Wow the Adrenaline, the surge really made push me almost had a heart attack!

3. Messages- Letting go...

Due to my phone storage being too much at the moment, I decided to stupidly uninstall my WhatsApp to which ended up deleting almost all of my newest message which I haven't backed up since from 16th of January apparently 😓😭 (F*** Me!) Legit, I don't know where I can get my daily source of some good laughter now especially with the "so called bromance". Really kinda regretted not doing any back-up but there's just so much to do, and I don't  know where to begin 😅 given that school works keeps taking over my life.....

↑↑Edited on Sunday 09/03/19: Wow, Just going to add one last sentence in here and here it is: I'll just have to move on sadly...

So much have happen since then, that now I will write another chapter in my blog! On to the next one...!!!

Sunday 17 February 2019

Eventful week and Going to Brimingham, Aston for a day trip!

Hello hello~

Typing this up as I'm on the train to Birmingham New Street Station (Saturday 16/02/19)
It's been a good week this week! Hehehe 😄

Despite with all the ups and downs as usual, this one was special! From Monday, the lecture of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Analysis was cancelled from 1-3, so had to stay in for the whole 4 hours from 11-3 (had a 9am start as usual). Then on Tuesday...Oh Tuesday, that Tuesday! I was rushing for a train Goddamn me for snoozing the alarm! and so consequently waking up late with only 10 minutes to prepare for....Oh man, I hope to never do this again seriously!!! ;u; This eventually led me to take a nap in the afternoon and taking a sip of a coffee in the end 😓 then Wednesday....👀😁  hohoho, to Thursday finding out how to "jailbreak" an apple app lol (I changed the country/region from the apple store so that I can download one of my favourite filter app) LOL....and finally a test to wrapped up on Friday (Yesterday). Now it's Saturday!! Can you believe it, time has flown by really quickly in a blink hehe 😉😊.

Which now brings me to say I got some goods news to share hahah!
I have finally got (more like obtained) the ticket (on Wednesday) to see BlackPink!! 😚
Kyaaaa, My effort has finally paid off 😘😏 (Geddit geddit!) . I just announce publicly on whether or not people had tickets for sale and also if there was any accompaniment. And so with that happening, Woop woop! I got a response back from some of my friends 😊 Both of whom are selling for a friend of a friend 😀, eventually I got the ticket from the one who was selling it slightly cheaper  (obviously!) but most of all who are attending the concert as well... Oh Yayyyy, I can't wait! 💓

Edit: From here on, now typing this up at home on Sunday 17/02/19 instead (with all the fun that has happened was soooo tired yesterday Hahahaha!)

So back to the trip to Birmingham, let's get right into it!

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Happy Chinese New Year (BlackPink is Coming too?! Kyaa!)

Happy Chinese New Year 😊😊 2019 💓

First Chinese New Year Post?! It's been ages! Wowwww, to keep it short and despite that, Wishing everybody to have a good time hahaha.

祝家里人和大家新年快乐,😊🐷 恭喜发财 🧧 
May this year bring joy, prosperity with good health and wealth 

Sunday 3 February 2019

February Update! + Pondering to change name of blog?

Hey hey,

A February update for once?! 😝 Now that's a first in nearly a decade!

Can you believe it 1 month already gone into 2019 and now it's February!....January is now gone in an instant like ↪ BAM!

Wouldn't say I'm glad January is over as there's more to come but I just want to say now, as bad as this may sound, I'm feeling thankful for the lessons of sadness/ anguish that has taught me especially for the past months or so. I don't think I have ever felt that these sort feeling before? Luckily they are slowly going down especially since Aunt Flo has just come to visit (I think this has probe the button hahaha) Um-hum.

So for that, I'm now feeling much better which in turn made me motivated by doing some revision (I know I know, This sounds lame towards the end but at least I feel like I'm on starting point? XDD)

To surprise things even more (and on the topic of a starting point), a food for thought!

I would like to announce that I'm thinking of changing this name of the blog. I feel that it's been a long time that I haven't been using this blog and that now, since I would like to try to keep it into a habit of running it from time to time, a new change and better fresh start would be nice (Since I think I did have quite a few alias 😅- I want to keep things quite consistent from now on😅 - I don't know how I end up with a few, but I can assure you it's only like what...2/3 names?! Despite of what may seem to be small number, I still would definitely want to try and clear things up hopefully by summer, I was hoping until Chinese New year / Lunar New year...But it's not possible at the moment.) !

Until then, It's unofficial- Watch this space! Hehe.

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Haircut Selfie Dump 2K19

It's been a while! 👋 since.....

!! I had my haircut to the shortest- it's been like from Primary school to the beginning of Secondary School (like Year 7 or 8?) ahahaha

How it all began~
Well lately there has been quite a lot of signs of short hair (starting from doing an anime selfie to watching a Chinese drama called: When we were young; the main actress had very short hair, to seeing my #10yearchallenge, and lastly seeing an actress named Lana Condor) So I decided to get myself a haircut! Zipppp! 💇
Additionally along with the news of a dear beloved teacher from my secondary school that had sadly passed away from a van accident and a new semester of 2nd year coming up, I just don't think I can take it any longer so that made me even more wanting to have my hair cut.

I want a change. And this was the first step.

Supposedly I wanted to get my hair short at around age 23/24, actually 25 or 30 years old. But due to as mentioned before, I just couldn't wait any longer...Beside I feel it is a good time to start being "matured"- Back then before I turned 22,  I was immature and even more so in the past so this was a good place to begin I felt.

Below are pictures of me (with and without long hair) and some cool anime selca?

Wow a pile of hair 

Friday 18 January 2019


The 10 years Challenge!

Ok, I never thought I would have to do this but since this has been a trend lately and most of all somewhere in the internet 👀 I do have have a 2009 years old pics so I thought "Why not?" 💁

Thursday 17 January 2019

Thoughts for Pre 2019 (December 2018)...

Belated Review you could say hahaha

First time ever on this blog?!

Just want to put down what I felt that have been accomplished :))

Inspired by 

  1. Lake walks with friends or Family like cousins😝!! 

👆Little did I know I have already done this with my cousin, back in July 2018?


2. Keep doing your best at everything!
3. Keep up the good work at your job! 

Points 2 & 3, I've definitely achieved as I was super determined to get pass 1st year to say the least😖
and I passed thankfully 👏

Saturday 12 January 2019

Happy New Year 2019 Resolution!?!

Inspired by  

Something different as from my usual Happy New Year posts as I could recalled here.... 👀 

Foolish as this may sound, I took most of her New Years resolution- she did 100 New Year resolutions (I feel that 80 is okay for now...)- and copied them here as they were relatable to me at the very least. 

I've highlighted them in Bold below to indicate that these are somethings that I will be/ and should be doing as if they are on my to do list! Lol. 

Also I made my own list far down in order of priority I feel so that I could go back to refer to at anytime (click on read more).

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New Year Resolutions!!!!

No 1/Pending) !!Create a holiday plans for my mum (e.g. Satorini) and maybe dad too...!!

  • Be happy :) (e.g. Find a purpose in what you are doing...

  • Always be proud of yourself, regardless of what you've accomplished!

  • I want to be able to think, "Wow, being alive is awesome." 

  • Keep doing your best at everything!

  • Keep up the good work at your job!

  • Remember to love yourself ♥

  • Keep all of your great relationships ♥

  • Become a genuinely brighter, more outgoing person.

  • Smile and laugh as much as you have the energy to!

  • Catch yourself when your mood starts to go downhill and try to turn things around. Placebo thoughts!!!

  • Learn to recognize when you're having anxious thoughts for no good reason and don't listen to them!

  • Find more ways to be able to cheer yourself up. This year, I found a great remedy in filming/blogging?? (Also Diary writing physically? Learnt this from my cousin hahaha)

  • Please no more feeling guilty about not "getting things done" when it actually doesn't matter.

  • Stop being consumed by irrational guilt in general.

  • Let's have a stress-free year~ (Hahaha I wonder about that....)

  • Don't burn out like you did in 2018. (I'll try! But I have a feeling it'll be hard considering the crazy schedule of Pharmacy.... F***ing live with it?!! 😩)

  • Stand up for yourself and don't take on too many burdens.

  • At times when others are too busy for you, please don't abandon yourself. Get up! Stop sulking! Do things! Don't be lonely!

  • Minimize whining and handle things by myself ;A;

  • Normalize going out/eating in restaurants by myself.

  • Spend time with friends!

  • Be more thankful everyday.

  • Maybe... I'm considering trying to see a therapist.

  • Reach out to and try to help others that are struggling with mental health ;;

  • THIS YEAR, I SWEAR. I'M GOING TO LEARN TO COOK. (FUCK YEAH, This is some thing I should be doing \ToT/

  • Give in to cravings ?

  • I want to do a major clean-up of my room and donate/throw away as much as I can. (Part of Letting Go!)

  • Shelving for the k-pop shrine?(Say What? I dunno about this honestly but looks cool so I'll put this here.)

  • Make it a definite habit to sleep around midnight! (abit early like 10:30-11:00? Maybe asking myself too much lol)

  • Habitually wake up in the morning at least around 9 AM?

  • Please please please please let's start getting to things on time...

  • Do things in the morning before work!

  • Get a Job Like part-time/ Full-time

  • Do dance cover this year? 8D

  • Go back to Youtube and start creating creative video content (e.g. AMVs) 

  • Do some a mix? Been meaning to do this some time... 

  • Handle things as they come without worrying too much!

  • Become better at adult business networky talk!

  • Be less antisocial, especially in professional spaces.

  • Be more open about my dumb humor :'D

  • Develop more of my budding dark humor loool

  • Speak out loud more!

  • Keep the acid reflux at bay.

  • Moisturize my face often even if I'm lazy or tired.

  • Can I do a sheet mask at least once a....month? More would be nice...

  • Get into the habit of forcing myself to get ready for bed even when exhausted... instead of lying down for like an hour not getting anything done lolol

  • Speak in mostly Mandarin and Cantonese with my parents.

  • Letting go of things (By that I mean maybe like no grudges/ regrets? in 2019)

  • Blog frequently! (Like try to Blog from this day out (12th January 2019)) 

  • Be more aware about tense muscles in my face.

  • Prioritize ergonomics so we can be less sore pls

  • Be more aware about tense shoulders.

  • To be organised like know when to allocate time for relaxing.

  • Let's finish reading "The Faults in Our Stars" this year and read more if possible.

  • I like the me recently that's been more impulsive/decisive for good reasons. (i.e. "This really good ice cream place closes in 30 minutes... If we all get in our cars right now, we can make it. LEt'S DO IT.... EVERYONE GO GO GO GO GO") More of that!

  • Be Fearless! (e.g. Wear more of bold Fashionable clothings)

  • Wear more casual dresses!

  • Go out of my way more often.

  • Normalise driving short and long distances.

  • To try and NOT take so much pictures 😅. (For the Love of God, this was acceptable back then but now, it's just...not cool? Plus, now My phone memory is running out of storage ahaha 😓😪😂 so it best to cut the slack.)

  • Laundry

  • Learn how to do good makeup in my perspective.

  • Take care of my eyes (for instance, dark circles).

  • Improve at doing things in front of people.

  •  I'm going to be satisfied with the school work that have already been done!! I don't want to be sad about feeling washed up anymore!!!!

  • Be more lighthearted in general.

  • Remain mindful about my goals throughout the year.

  • Become less addicted to my smartphone (e.g. By that I mean Less considering what to write on the phone when texting someone, Less use of emojis (so to cut out some of my cute crap?) and also maybe instagram?...) 

  • If I have time/energy, it'd be nice to do some volunteering!

  • Shower more at night instead of forgetting and rushing a shower before work in the morning lol...

  • Go out to Gym/ For a run or jog. (Goal to: Participate in a Charity run)

  • Stretch more often.

  • Will I feel inspired to write again?

  • Be more open about my singing (and rapping).

  • Be less afraid of being an inconvenience while driving. (Sometimes I don't want to stop traffic in order to get into a parking space, or I'll miss a turn because I don't want to inconvenience anyone...)

  • I'd like more low-effort clothes that are also presentable 8D

  • Give my friends a lot of messages? Because who doesn't need a message?!

  • Embrace change.

  • Remember to be confident!

  • Keep supporting my k-pop and j-pop faves!!

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