Sunday 24 February 2019

Happy Chap Mei Goh! (+ small eventful stuff?- Whatsapp (letting go)

From Twitter: Ainhoa (Malaysia)
Surprise Surprise,

It's Me again! πŸ˜† Not only a a quick update on the blog (where this is now a week after from the previous blog- I am trying to aim a weekly post? XDD) but also A NEW title of post hehe ^^
Which brings me to talk about the Phrase: "Chap Got Meh" --- 1.
I wanted to bring this post up on Tuesday 19th of February given that this phrase means: ......
Wait! Lemme quickly google it πŸ˜…πŸ˜‹ (Can't believe I've forgotten what it exactly means despite knowing it??- Have you ever had this before?! Where you know what it means, but you just can't put it into words?!! This almost always happens to me)

Ah Ok, I finally got the definition up...I should have said it before, I think I have a brain freeze lol (Typing this all up in the night now ahahaha) since it's very simply put and known as:

"On the fifteenth day of Chinese New Year, technically the final day of the festival, is a day known as Chap Goh Mei. In the Hokkien dialect, Chap Goh Mei simply means "the 15th night of Chinese New Year".  -- Abstract taken from: 

More can be found out in the above link!

Ok, so anyways what makes this phrase so special and why am I emphasising it?
Firstly, this girl here has just found out about this word! Like I thought I am already Chinese enough but clearly this word shows and proves to me that I am not πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
It blew my mindddd to know that for 22 YEARS (Yes 22- unfortunately tad late for it to be not discovered at age 21) that this word exist! It shook me to the core not going to lie lol, How I found this word out was via instagram where I first saw Angelababy posing in Chinese characters of Chap Goh Mei in addition to this my cousin took some celebratory pictures of last (15th) day of Chinese New Year (CNY) with the word, Chap Goh Mei. This spark my curiosity and interest. It was not until I perk up the courage to ask my cousin what that word meant, with a hunch and educational I guess it to be the last day of CNY which indeed it was the case.
I will never forget my excitement/ discovery of such word lol.

2. A knack for tech- Submitting Assignment almost at the last! πŸ˜… (Friday 22nd February)

πŸ˜‚ I have to say..... I have been having lots of bumping in with technical issues starting from from my phone especially... (Storage issues) πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚. First discovery of an App by 'jail breaking' through the country/region on an apple store lol to installing the scanning app for my HP printer to now the very latest discovery of uploading photos and combing them all into one PDF (What a pain in the a** πŸ˜‚ of that was but sadly it's got to be done) and then finally getting them scanned individually using my uni scanner lol, as on that day with the deadline at 4pm in the late afternoon!! I swear to god, I thought it was the usual midnight submission deadline but luckily my gut feeling been's telling me to double check in the morning and oh boy, was I glad I did that (if not I would probably been slightly chilled and end up missing it!) but at the same time slightly panicking on whether or not I was going to make the submission on time given that I had a mandatory lab class to attend to.😬 Without a second thought, I quickly packed my Mac and headed straight off to the train station where I did some touch up of the assignment and also finalise it along the way loool- even on the bus from the train station to the uni I was resorted to this hahaha.
Despite my first submission was on the bus, I eventually have to get my assignment re-submitted. I ended up re-submitting it 1.5 hours before the deadline, as the first submission as soon I sent it I found out Part 1 of the assignment was partially incomplete (Jesus!!), this led me feeling slightly frustrated and stressed (nowhere reassured) but also that I had to come to a stop in preparation for the mandatory summative lab class.
Luckily the summative Lab class didn't take the whole 3 hours and ended 1 hour early.
Prior to this, I also remembered my tutor group was scheduled for a group meeting with the 4th year pharmacy students which, that again ended up adding more of a stress... luckily the meeting ended up much more shorter than usual due to my tutor didn't turn which turns out she was unable to attend.
Free from 1:30pm, I ended up finally finalised and complete the assignment at around 2:30pm where as mentioned before πŸ˜†.
Wow the Adrenaline, the surge really made push me almost had a heart attack!

3. Messages- Letting go...

Due to my phone storage being too much at the moment, I decided to stupidly uninstall my WhatsApp to which ended up deleting almost all of my newest message which I haven't backed up since from 16th of January apparently πŸ˜“πŸ˜­ (F*** Me!) Legit, I don't know where I can get my daily source of some good laughter now especially with the "so called bromance". Really kinda regretted not doing any back-up but there's just so much to do, and I don't  know where to begin πŸ˜… given that school works keeps taking over my life.....

↑↑Edited on Sunday 09/03/19: Wow, Just going to add one last sentence in here and here it is: I'll just have to move on sadly...

So much have happen since then, that now I will write another chapter in my blog! On to the next one...!!!

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