Sunday 10 March 2019

Work it, Twerk it! (Don't know what to call this now...) and a (Scandalous) Internet Scam!

Wow, So much has happen like.... ๐Ÿ’ฅ
First of all may I just say that:

1. January- It was horrible. I can't believe it was long. This is the first time I have despise this month, despite it given to be my birthday month lol. ๐Ÿ˜… I don't know, my emotions were really on a rollercoaster I feel....

2. February- That went super fast ๐Ÿ˜ฎ- it's crazy how I can feel how short it really was

3. March- And now it's 3rd month into 2019. Woah.

There's a meme on those 3 points above to which made me agree on this strongly, if this wasn't put out... I don't think I would put this here?

Anyways, I honestly I can't remember the last time I felt so burnt out. That is just how bad it is.... to the point that I feel numb?!?!
I thought A-levels were bad enough but I guess I was wrong.... ๐Ÿ˜“๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚ Even GCSEs before A-levels, Geezzz! Can't believe I thought all that was like..... hard?! (What a joke this has become?! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)

and now back to the reality!...Assignment after assignment, then really... a small exam after an assignment?!! (which we called it Progress Test as so to speak) that counts to one of our module marks overall- Had to cram that all of these in like 3 days?!!- then now we got the clinical simulations to focus on as it's this coming Tuesday as well as the presentation (This also counts!) which is the week after, along with the Extemporaneous (Exempt) lab (Making of medical products) ๐Ÿ˜ญ- Oh my flipping Goddd!!

Like don't get me wrong! I know I shouldn't complain as almost everyone I know are pretty much in a similar boat or probably had it worse? But I just can't help but would like to express my feelings and thoughts here? As well as I understand the importance and the stress that comes with this particular course, since it is the price to pay afterall ๐Ÿ˜’ ahaha ๐Ÿ˜… But I honestly think that this could be little bit more organised especially coming towards the end of the academic year as well as some of the things that really aren't that important as it sounds, like the dispensing test and especially the exempt lab, I feel they shouldn't really be like a critical PASS or FAIL tasks. There's just so much to ask for 2nd year especially this month in my opinion ๐Ÿ˜”

As mentioned before, I had the progress test after the assignment which was kindly extended to a Monday Midday instead due my uni renovating the online system, so I guess we were lucky in the sense where can make the assignment to the 'best' quality, but then we would have the test on Friday morning (08/03/19), wtf ?! it looks like I have Monday (Day 1) to Thursday (Day 4), 4 days to revise all the content even to quite latest lecture we've been taught last week in total but in reality I had 2-3 days to revise instead, as Tuesday was the exempt lab to prepare for- Luckily that was still a formative! but still it's a shambles...really ๐Ÿ˜” *Sigh*

On top of that! OMG, I don't know if I mentioned this here before....I doubt I have did so here it goes....Long story short, our internet connection was down for like a week or 2 with the signal coming back on but it was still fluctuating back at home. So, then some fucking sick bastards decides to take advantage of this situation by calling my mum (Poor her, honestly she always seem to encounter these sort of bad people...) to get her into getting the computer system- These bloody fraudsters๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก. This all happened after the test on the Friday, that I decide to give a call to my mum to see what is the situation was with the WiFi, as we call our provider to send a new router on Wednesday/Thursday to which it had arrive on a Friday. My mum then filled me in on she got a call from our provider on how our system seem to be hacked. This was NOT the case. I found this all out later that evening- sending me chills to the bone. I tend to reflect on things that has happen... so much to the point that even now as I write this up, that I can't believe I would also get trap in this sort of thing, making me gullible (At first I thought it was genuine but then I would think it is not.... I don't know if this makes sense but yeah...). I swear these people will pay for their sins.
I would write up lot about this...but it requires some screenshot to include here which I feel and think is better to justify and understand the whole picture. Right now, there's just so much to write about and be informed. Instead, I have put some links on here which was very similar to what happened to us. Sadly this obviously was not the first case to have happened in the world....

Link 1: 
Link 2: 

By me writing this here, not only would it help myself I feel.... but for everyone as I hope that it would bring some more awareness of this sort of situation. Though I doubt anyone would be reading this? Ahaha...If anyone manages to read this, congratulations! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Ok, so onto my Cousin's (Victor) Play !! Which was on very next day, Saturday! Woooop, The weekend has finally arrived~

Enough with the nitty gritty stuff, so we did end up going to see the play which was on the Saturday evening, 7pm. My mum decided join along with my brother ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ (sorry I find that a lil hilarious, it is cute- don't judge me!) to support Victor show. It was pretty good I have to say overall. It's mostly funny! Let's just say the ending of the show was mind blowing...At the beginning I didn't understand but thanks to my other cousin, Christopher for he joined to definitely support his brother, Victor, he explain to me on some of the scenes lol. Overall it was great.

Here's the synopsis of the play (taken from the event's page on facebook):

City Malaysian Night 2019 | Shallow

"Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall"

Isaac, Liyana, Harry and Naomi are 4 close friends who each have their own secrets and problems. Naomi; a hard-working yet awkward child of a world-renowned choreographer who is oft sidelined and ignored by her father due to her lack of raw talents. Harry; a violinist prodigy who lives under the thumb of his relentless mother. Lyana; a physically frail yet gentle soul. Izaq; the pillar of strength in the team- the sturdy rock with a righteous life principle that he strongly adheres to - but like all rocks, he has his own crevices.

Greed, Wrath, Envy, Pride; inspired by 4 out of the Seven Deadly Sins, we bring to you a coming-of-age original musical that tells incredibly Malaysian human stories through the lens of 4 friends who are each looking for their own place in their walks of life. The journey carries you on an emotional coaster ride as we explore the very foundations that constitutes a friendship, and the cracking of one.

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