Monday 10 June 2019

BTS Concert! ~1st of June~ A Day to Remember!! πŸ’•

FSFDSAFDSG! hfdahfoshafhidfiohrhhfoh 
Flip pi di da bi di doo! My hearttt~

O M G- You would not believe what happen!!! πŸ™ˆπŸ˜†.......
Ok, Well you can probably tell from the name of the title of this post already so I'll just get straight to it πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š
Basically I went to the BTS concert πŸ™ˆ Yep....I still can't believe it even til this date either!
I think my heart could leap out of my mouth at any moment as I type this up. Kyaaa

I don't even know where to begin to be honest. Part of me want to summarise first whilst another part of me really want to start from the beginning to tell the whole story but then I feel it might too long-winded that it might miss some and most of all, miss the one & only important point that I want to get across in this particular post (and probably too long would be draggy too? Haha Considering when it's comes down to me explaining, but honestly I can assure this post is really something special- Probably too good to miss!!)

Ok riighttt, so I've decided. I'll do both. I will start off by summarising it off quickly with the point that I want to say.
To grasp the situation it's all down to this gorgeous young man 😍😚.  Honestly Without him, I think I would have been killed or probably even worse die of the ever more stress. A total Life saver he is. Literally save my life in every way possible that in that moment of time I could almost call him my fairy godfather? No that sound wrong! I think since we're both of similar age, it would perhaps be more appropriate/ fitting to call him Prince Charming haha πŸ™ˆπŸ’“
He literally is a dream.

That being said, here's like a letter of appreciation which I highly doubt he would ever read lol. But I just want to put my thoughts here as, in all honesty and seriousness, I can't thank him enough.

Dear YOU (TicketMaster West wing Ticket collection Blue-ish green eyes Boy- Sorry couldn't find a better description/name!), 
Thank you for the ever wonderful memories you have made for me. You definitely have made my day and I honestly regretted that I haven't got your name down- I wish I did! Unfortunately I can only just about now remember a gist of your face, a hair cut with curls and some spike? Though strangely enough and somehow its your seemly piercing green-ish blue eyes that strongly calls me and so with that, I could only just about describe you with that much ahaha πŸ˜….
Anyway enough with this, I would just like to let you know that not only have you seriously restore my faith on that day but you have also put in source/ boost of a motivation in me. Really glad to have encounter you and for your help. I wish you all the happiness and goodness in the world! 
- Adeline~

Annddd There you go. (Probably did sounded like a love confession there lol πŸ’ž Well He did made feel like Cinderella in that twinge of the moment of "You're going to the ball!" and so with that to be honestly I secretly thought he was much cooler than BTS πŸ™Š)

Ok ok, now I probably hear you screaming..... How did it really all began!?!

Well it all started....  R U READY!?! XD
Here on out is pretty long-winded so if you want to get to the good part, I suggest you to skip to where there is a Purple Heart ----> πŸ’œ From there you should read it, though I recommend you start from the top here to fully understand what happened hehe.

It all started with being at the BlackPink concert. (Hit you with that DDu-Ddu-du!) Kinda not a surprise there!) This is just and is only the beginning from here on out.
As you probably know I can be sucker when it comes to K-pop, ultimately the main point was mostly hanging out with these friends (I know.... this was so not watermelon πŸ˜”). At that time in my head I really wanted to be part of their friendship group and so with one chipped in their encouragement, lets name her Girl A, I decided to join them. After much pondering, I didn't get the ticket until like 3 days before concert (29/05/19) through a website called Vivagogo which was reaaaallyyyy risky if you ask me...... DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT do something like this ever again! Despite trying to encourage myself to be being more impulsive/ decisive, this was definitely something I would not condone. In fact please, I beg of you whoever is reading this now, that this was a really stupid and most of all a stressful process- it was something that actually kept me up at those night despite the talks and emails (see below!)- No joke, I could not sleep (this was probably worse than exams (debatable)) πŸ˜“ I swear to god!!!πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚
As mentioned before, I got the tickets through Vivagogo which turn out to be a 3rd party re-seller website which unfortunately was not discovered until I brought the ticket 😬. I got the ticket for a total of £101, a stall to be near those friend, which now thinking about it was a quite ripped off. My friends got their tickets at section 528 to which I booked my ticket at Section: 524 , Row: 14. That was the closest I could get since I pretty much brought this last minute πŸ˜… which was fair. (At that point I felt I wished I acted earlier since I saw the tickets on Ticketmaster two days back, a website tickets seller that Wembley stadium only seem to deem them legit, were re-selling tickets including the ones that my friends were in.) I felt a slightly gutted nevertheless I had to take in charge.

Experiencing how Blackpink had a their barcode changed almost all the time, I decided to give Vivagogo customer service team a call, as well as email them to let them know that I had indeed ultimately brought the tickets from their website before the event begins (in case they had me cornered) and questions them the what if the ticket I received was a fake and what will happen if I can't get into the stadium. With the call,  I had to dial a couple of times like 3-5 times to reach to them as their line connection was really shit. It was not until like the 3rd and/or 4th call that I managed to properly reached out to one of their team who gave me a reassurance that the ticket is not a fake, and that if I indeed got turn away at the stadium I should give them a call then. It was around that time, that I received an email from them which accentuate the point. This was then enough for me than just a verbal reassurance, all I could really do back then and had was to just pray for the best....

Saturday. 1st of June. The Big Day has arrived. However I had to do my room carpet (A quick story I promise to do the carpet with my mum as my relatives from Malaysia were coming here soon to a visit), such timing I kind of made this to be πŸ˜‚, Honestly.....
The carpet took us from roughly a 9:30am start till around about 5pm finished (~7.5hr). It was tiring but I felt super accomplished that day. With only half-an hour to go, I quickly prep myself what to wear and have a quick dinner.
The journey from my house to Wembley Stadium took about 40 minutes altogether by underground, reached there at around 6:30pm. As soon as I arrived my eyes turn to stars. Clearly I kind of underestimated how big this event was. It was huge!!


With the crowds this huge I manage to find my way in but my friends were nowhere to be found. As expected, I knew they were either in the line ready to get in or were already in the stadium. I call one of them, girl A to see which of the options above I got correct, which turns out they were already in the stadium seated! I felt slightly sad but I knew this was the outcome of the lack of communication and lack of bond we had. Not wanting to give up and had a bit of hope to see them again, I ask the girl, ( turns out her name starts with O), who was one of the stadium stewardess to lead me the way to entrance. She asked me what letter Entrance I was in. This made me began my doubts of the ticket once again as my ticket did not mention the letter 'Entrance' and with the lack of internet connection there- I had an e-ticket- I had nowhere to show her my ticket so I had to run quite a few distance to where there would be data to retrieve. I soon found an area where there was good internet connection and I quickly try open the email of the e-ticket in pdf that I sent to myself, while that was loading up I soon encounter a strange man in what seems to look like a mini-cab car I think, who then came out of his driver seat to try and approach to me!! My stomach lurched in mini-flips as I quickly distance myself further away from the man. Luckily there other cars coming from behind which stopped in his track as he was blocking the main road. It was because of this, he quickly turn around back to his driver seat and drove off. At that point, I really did thank God for I felt and was saved... luckily my pdf also came out in the nick of time.
Never again to have this happen I hoped..... I really should be coming prepared (This will be something on my resolution list!). With no time to lose and any second to spare, I quickly return to find that stadium stewardess, girl O, to see if she can help me find my 'block'. As I soon as show her my ticket, she seem to cannot determine which entrance I would be at just from the look of my section/block which was at 528. Stricken with a sense of idea and at the same of panick, I asked her if she had some sort of scanner on her to scan the barcode of this ticket of mine to see if can find out what entrance I would be at. She happily agreed to helped me out but things took a turn when the barcode came out with nothing but displaying what seems like to be a metric conversion. Not wanting to give up any hopes, she once again scan the barcode but it display more foreign letters and symbols. My heart shattered. Not be in anymore despair and trying to find a solution, I blurted out to her what if that ticket was indeed fake, and so she advise me to go to one of the ticket wing where they would seem to replace ticket should there be any faulty. She then asked me where I got the ticket and I replied back it was from Vivagogo. She doesn't seem to know this website which I suppose was a good sign since it could mean there was a higher chance of going in I guess? In the end, I think she manage to found out what entrance I was at and told me to go to Entrance A. I thank for her help and immediately set foot to find entrance A.

As soon as I manage to find Entrance A, my heart twinged as I look on how to get in. There were electronic vaults instead of what I had imagine with the steward/stewards helping you to scanned the ticket. *I guess now looking back at it, I am glad there was these electronic vaults situated in between for you can scan the barcode as many time as you like, saving you the embrassment without having to be turn away by the same person I suppose.*
I quickly took my phone out to scanned my e-ticket in but to my despair the scanner refuse entry on me signifying a red light. That is when in the back of heart, I dread for there could be a possibility of being scammed. Still not wanting to give up, I turn to the black man who seem like the steward in charge of the entrance. He seems to be in a bad mood and was really rude in not being helpful as I showed him my ticket and asked him why I couldn't go in. He scuff and said that the ticket should be in paper form and told me to find the ticket wing just like what girl O had mentioned before. Trying to find a solution, I quickly try to find another vault but that also didn't work. Determined, I went away to find another solution to which I happened to encounter a really nice black man. You can tell was part of Wembley staff as he wore a pink hi vis vest unlike the initial black guy who was I presume was a temporary stadium worker sent by one of the sponsor company. This 2nd black guy was so friendly that he asked whether I needed any help, as soon as possible as he could tell I was somewhat in distress with like 30minutes till the show starts. I asked him why my ticket did not work and he replied back that it should work and beckons me to follow him to give it another shot. As we walked back, I told him about that first black guy and how he was had a bad attitude and was rude. He asked me who it was and so as we draw closer I gesture the guy, He quickly laugh it off and said not to mind him too much as he's like not part of the actual Wembley team. As he helped me try to scanned the ticket once again, he then encounter his other colleague on the other side of the vault. My heart was dishearten once more as the red light stayed flashed on. I showed him the result and he looked puzzled too to which he also had to consult one of his colleague. "You can ask him if you need to, He'll help you" He says cheerfully. I look at the other colleague, he was white but that doesn't mean he was any different from the first black man I encountered lol. He had seem to have like a resting bitch face? Hahaha. "You'll need to take your ticket to the ticket wing under the bridge, The system doesn't accept e-ticket...Where did you get it?" I told them it was from Vivagogo. "Ahh right." The white man and the 2nd black man pursed their lip. Deep down I sort of knew what was their answer. "There are other girls like you not to worry, who had a similar problem too, think there was three of them....Anyway, do make your way down to the ticket wing under the bridge and see if you can ask for the paper ticket." Both of them exclaim. Just like what girl O had mentioned before of that ticket wing. I thank them for the effort and support.


I hurriedly made my way down to the Ticket wing, it was already 7:10pm, with only 20minutes to spare... I dash and went for the east wing, with what seems like either counter could do.
In the east wing, there was literally no queue and so I encountered what seem like a Spanish/French lady behind the counter. I explain to her my situation of being sent down here. She asked me where I got the ticket from and I told her the same thing, that it was from Vivagogo. She shook her head and apologise that she couldn't do anything about it. That was when I sort of snapped and asked her why couldn't Vivagogo be accepted. She said that that company has a reputation of being like a scam and would promote themselves through google by all means through money they had to attract more attention. I just happened to one of the customers that got enticed. That didn't make anything better and so I sigh and quickly apologise to her as I know that she was doing her job and wasn't any part of this. She slight a pitied smiled and then told me to go the other end of the wing, the west wing to see if they could actually give you the ticket to get in, indirectly hinting to me they could if they want to, give out the ticket, which I feel was a indication of a possibility of the inner politics/favouritism of the ticket system. I thank her for her help and quickly head down to the west wing.

At the West wing, there was slightly more people at the counter and given the little queue it seems to be the right wing that was in charge in the end. As I was waiting, I saw this handsome young man serving the two ladies in front of me (Little did I know it was him who save the day). It was not too long, until it was my turn to be served. I ended up speaking to another lady who happened to be just next to his counter. Dammit. I wanted this handsome boy but instead I was served by this asian lady who I felt was like from Hong-Kong. She had quite a strict demeanour around her which threw me off a little to be honest but I knew I can't backed out and put my foot down to address the issue. She asked the same questions and I gave her the same story but abit more aspirated, saying that there are others in the same boat as me that I am sure of.... Determined still and Couldn't turn me down through this, She took down detail of my ticket seat number and block, asked me to wait as she search if the seat was still available. During the wait, part of me felt that the possibility of the ticket seat being available was mostly slim and that it could be be a scam indeed. After what seem like forever, She then came back and said with a neutral face more like a resting bitched face  that the seat was not taken. I was super surprised, taken back by this remark especially from her. Quickly I hid my expression and with a smile, threw in a comeback to see if I could really go in. But she soon dismissed all this within a few moments, like a candle in the wind with the fire being whipped/blown out in a few seconds and said that I would have to give Vivagogo a call for a refund. I was baffled. How could she do something like that clearly when she knows that seat was not taken. I pleaded her to see if she could change her mind and to give me the paper ticket, but she wasn't having any of it. To conclude and to see if she still have any heart, I asked her again about what to do with this ticket, she just said the same thing of having to give Vivagogo a call. That's when I knew that no matter how many times I tried to get any information across her, it would waste my time and energy that I left the area feeling ultimately dejected.

 With no-one to talk to (I would have call my friends but I'm pretty sure my friends were having the time of their life, I could hear the crowds roaring away), I can't helped but to feel all alone, with not much choice left I decided to give in and to call my mum. Mum being mum immediately picked up my call. I didn't want to let her know of the situation but she figured out anyway. Telling the truth as I go along I felt bad, I knew this could break my mum's heart but it wasn't until my mum said to give my friend a call that I didn't want to let her down. Despite with only like 10minutes till the show starts at 7:30pm, I felt a tiny sense of renewal of energy that I told my mum I would give this another go. I try to give my friends a call but they both didn't answer the call (I knew it). I started to dash towards where I started, at Entrance A, which was like on the other side (See Map below). This time I met a nice big cute English lady who was like the security guard behind the electronic vault and told her of my situation, that one of the lady at the counter said my ticket was indeed available but she just won't give me the physical copy of the ticket. I knew that saying this without any legitimate proof like a physical copy would turn me down which indeed was the case I understand, however as the lady was pretty sympathetic, she I could bring her or one of the team leader here to help me gain entrance. I don't know why but that made ecstatic, guess I was somewhat at ease with someone reassuring to me like that. I didn't think or care about what the hong-kong lady may think. With only 5 minutes to spare, I ran with all my heart and mind down back to the other side, the west wing of the ticket system. This time I encountered this handsome boy, the one that initially served the two ladies in front of me, the one who would save my life that day....It was as if there was someone pushing me towards him as I felt our eyes met, For some reason I felt that he was calling me. No time to lose or think, I straight went for him telling my situation. Even though he have asked the same questions, He was super nice as I expected. He apologise and said he was still new to all this system (I'm pretty sure he is the same age as me if not a year or two years younger), I told him it was alright I could see him asking his fellow colleagues on what to do it seems. He asked me my proof of ID card and took hold of my e-ticket. I gave him the required items. A couple of minutes later like a minute or two, he came back with a "Sorry we don't seem to accept Vivagogo", this disappointing statement. My heart sank but before I could let go, I said with my heart on my sleeves to him "Oh but your colleague says that this seat is still available". With a confusing look on his face, he was like "Oh really? Let me get back and check for you". That was when I knew I pulled the ultimate string, I knew I had to try this statement one last time at least with him. The moment of waiting took a little bit longer than usual but during that time I was praying deep in my heart that he could get back to me with the physical copy of that ticket seat. He was my only hope. Another minute or two went by, I was getting worried. Around 7:33pm, He finally came out but he shiftily looked sideways and was pretty awkward. I thought I was really getting the bad news until he quickly slid under the counter the ticket. "Well I couldn't seem to find the physical copy but here's another ticket...I'm not suppose to give you one but here you go anyways...."He whispered. I couldn't believe my eyes. I finally managed get the ticket to see BTS, what's more it seems to be like it was the staff-own ticket? I felt elated that I could burst with joy and give this boy a hug! but at the same I felt quite bad that I could cry on the spot "Please don't tell anyone" He muttered. With all this mixed emotions flowing through me, I ended up with a huge smile on my face and automatically blew the boy a kiss!!! It was too good to be true that my reflex urges me to quickly head upstairs to where the seat would be, without any hesitation or thinking of the consequences.....

Now thinking back, I regret I didn't take that boy's name down and wish did. I really do thank him from the bottom of my heart. πŸ’“

7:36 Ran like the wind with all my might and power I managed to get in. I DID IT! 7:41pm where the party has just begun.

My initial seat was at block 528 but then I found out I got the seat at block 144.

I was just in time where the BTS first made their entrance. It in that moment in time I felt that boy was 100x cooler than BTS Hahaha!
It was not until when I reach and sat down my seat that I found out I was placed quite near to watch them! I honestly couldn't believe what I got.

The concert was definitely a blasttttt! 😌 At the beginning I couldn't concentrate because of the wonderful boy who gave me the ticket! But I soon manage to pull myself together and found myself slowly enjoying this concert as time goes by a lot more than Blackpink through you could say a miraculous yet strange turn of events. It was a day and night to remember that I will always treasure... πŸ’πŸ˜˜ Kamsamhamnida, Saranghae~

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