Friday 16 August 2019

I dropped my soul in the netherworld too XD... The Balance!

la la la la~ Ebah's world ♥: Oops I dropped my soul in the netherworld: Been a while since I wrote a new post; though I've been updating my cosplay progress post once in a while! My whole life recently has b...




This....I recently posted on the lost feeling I was and am currently having.... whilst I was checking out the other posts, I found that this post above sounds to me the most right now. Although may not be similar, I feel that I don't think I could have any other better words to describe the state I am in now.

"You are not your art. If your work fails, it doesn't mean you've failed" (Credits: Eva) I think I have grasp this concept now but will need some time to instill it into myself.

But yeah...Love, love, love! Bless this post~
Really like the last part which echos right to the heart even more so right now...Thanks Eva for the insight and the quote, it's inspirational ^^.
It's strange because recently, given the summer break this time now, even though I've just been chilling I constantly feel like I'm running out of time for all the things I committed myself to getting done, one of which was to like to kind of chill lol. I'm not sure if that makes sense ahahaha but yeah, I think I know what I'll need to do now haha. (Organzing much?)

Long time ago, when I was much younger I would be having some fun in editing videos for amvs and at the same time I used to feel like I would be behind in like watching anime/k-dramas on my to-do or watch list (Lol, pretty pathetic? XD). But now it's pretty much the opposite, What to do with myself? Hahaha

Overall, if I could think of the perfect way to sum this up, it would be not only finding the "purpose" but to finding the right balance.

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