Wednesday 29 May 2019

BLACKPINK Concert....they came at last to London *squeal* (22nd MAY 2019)

FINALLY!! The concert I have been waiting for.....- BLACKPINK in your area ;)) 22/05/19 
A post that I now actually sat down and do my entry before it's too late 😬 ~The vivid memory~ (Honestly Mannn, I really should ought to speed things up a little πŸ˜…)

It's been roughly a week, writing this on a Monday bank holiday ha, going to post this on a Wednesday, when it's officially a week since Blackpink came.
But o m g they were amazing, 😍 To see them performing live was honestly a. dream. come. true!!! πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–. My baes were all wonderful and sparkling- They were shining!!~~ The entrance to the stage was magnificent that it quickly enraptures you and takes your breathe away... The smoke effect was really something. I have a lot of bias in the group to be honest (Top two once being Jennie and Lisa- Sorry Rose, don't mean to seclude you!), but my favourite bias is ultimately Jisoo now given the fact that we mainly share the same birthday (no lie, I found out the day before our birthday and I call myself a fan as well lol ), During the concert She was so captivating by singing an English cover along with Lisa next- She's da bomb, can do no wrong I swear~~😍😍😍 performing Swalla (πŸ˜™ Make' em whistle like a missile bomb bomb ;) . I was in awe especially that flex of that sexy bum- You go girl!!- impressed how they performed live. Jennie was a bad bi*ch, she was so cool!! Performing her solo called "Solo" ;) . The swag right after Lisa performance. And last but not least, I haven't forgotten- Rose~~- Now despite Jisoo being my bias, I gotta say Rose is so good. Her vocal chord is crystal clear and her voice speaking to us all in English was noice- Jennie's English was also on par too. Every single one of them are top notch- a quality performance right there!
I wish they were perform longer though- That's the was only downside..........Ok, I lieeee.- Not only the performance was way too quick in my opinion to finish compared to Monster X where I watched them performed back in Mid June 2018 (yes they came to London as well (coming to London once again) and I'll make an entry and put a link here), but I also wish I had more memory storage on my phone to film them *sigh* (Stupid me for being much better prepared despite knowing this all along lol, can't self pity here I'm afraid)
Note to self: Please ensure you are way prepared by either getting enough storage space before you film or get a camera set!! so that you can replay your moments an artist or band especially if they are your favourite (no shizzle) πŸ˜…πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

 My ticket!! First time on using it on the app lol- pretty neat!

GRWM (Get Ready With Me) 😊

Getting the look finalised-  I call it the BlackPink Look (Very original haha) (An entry of that look will be put on the blog hehe)

Monday 20 May 2019

GRWM!! (Get Ready with Me!!)

Ok righttt, Almost a week has pass since exam are over, I know I said my mood was sullen over the previous post which was true.... but it was to a certain extent. There's abit more of a back story to that.... so as soon as I found out I didn't do so well of that dispensing exam, my mind couldn't help but keeps on going back to it, so I ended up being too frustrated to do any revision, which made me for on the last 2 days (Sunday 12/05/19) before the final exam, (I decided on a whim, yes I know it's quite bad πŸ˜…) to get myself a colour contact lens.
Yep that's right....Well, to be honest I don't really regret that decision, I mean I sorta felt great and thank myself for being quite bold more like lol. I hope I don't sound so self-entitled here but I feel that it's time I should treat myself a little ahaha. Beside I thought it would look great for the ahem *blackpink* concert and so with that in mind, I had to hope for the best, praying for the item to arrive on time. It was pretty risky, so please don't be like that and plan in advance!
I spent roughly like an hour or 2 to find what sort of colour I should do, I feel like I want something different to my usual eye colour (dark brown) to something that quite stand out? That's when I find out this eye colour, the real sky which entices me to straight away to buy it.

Isn't it Gorgeous? 😍 

 Then now today, it finally arrives 😊 -Today's the day!! Monday 20th of May, my baby has arrived

The outer packaging gives off a this really cool edgy pink colour that wow you off  ^^

and o m g, the pagacking is so tiny and lovely as well πŸ’• LOVE Love Love it


I then did some testing out and play around with the makeup in order to create the look that I wanted and so ended with the following

Before and After haha

Gosh I'm so lovin' it!!! 😍😍😍😊

The above videos you can see I was trying to open the contact lenses lol. They are pretty tight beware haha.

Edit: Overall, after wearing the lenses for about a week now, I can say these lenses are still comfortable I would say after wearing a good 8 hours it does get a little be sore so try not to wear them too long ^^

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Exams over (for the time being) with One week till BlackPink Comes down to London!

Hawoo hawoo hello, its been a while. Honestly, what can I say. TAT 
I literally cannot remember how April went apart from this car accident that happened on the 2nd (Omo \oAo/). (Again I shall quickly write an entry on that). 

This academic year has been nothing but a whole loada stress. I know I said it many times but honestly I cannot emphasise this strongly. It can be officially said, this is a joke now. Whilst Exams for 2nd year for Pharmacy are officially over.....I can't help but have this mixed feeling on me (more will be said down below). 
Really didn't want this to happen but y'know it just happens....

Basically Whilst revising for my final last exam (which was yesterday), the result for one of the module comes in, it happened to be right after my 2nd exam (that module), I can't help but to have a quick peak at my results only to falter at the sore sight of having to retake one of the test. It was the critical elements which means you need to pass these all in order to move onto the next stage (the 3rd year). There were 3 that you must pass (thank the lord) and suprisingly I passed the other 2, one being the exempt lab (I thought I fail that) which I mentioned before in my previous entry I believe. At first, I didn't cry but then after a good few hours later along with my mum seeing this result (I don't know how that ended up to be), I gave in and broke down like mad- it hit me like a ton of bricks. Honestly the past few days was so bad, to the point that having to revise for that exam in particular was so. damn. hard. Apart from receiving my a-levels results, I don't think I have ever felt that strongly demotivated. Not to mention that module wasn't particularly any interesting in the beginning and also quite hard on top of that.
It was dispensing that I failed. I was really upset given that I have tried my very best, the ultimate you could say for it...yet to know that you have once again fail and that what's even worse is that you're the only one in your small group chat to have fail. It was heart wrenching. I was completely shattered. 
I really want to give up, pondering whether is there any point to carry on with this course anymore and to ditch & forget that last exam in that moment in time but I know I just can't do that..... 
Having come that far, I know I have to least cry trying then die, then try or else that regret for not revising much could be worse, not that afterwards or me typing this up was any better but at least I did what I was suppose to be doing.
Anyhow, there's goes the sum of my life since April, sorry for this dull post. I don't want to do this but a few days back then, it really did sullen the mood... now it's just the wait for Blackpink which at first I was really looking forward but now it's not much exciting as I imagine it out be, now that I know that I have to resit for dispensing in the baggage (for the 3rd time T_T) *sigh* oh and also for the rest of the results too....

Ok, right....Enough!!! Cheer up~ πŸ’Ÿ It is a crime to be sad on the first day of the holiday hahaha.
Oh right! My mum was so kind to have brought some sort of lucky charm (Turns out she ask the sender if this could be sent over by 1st class since luckily the postage was included so the getting it by 1st class wasn't much of a biggie). My heart melt right there 😭.

Here's the picture of the lucky charm that was just before the final exam hahaha. It's a picture of the rat (my chinese zodiac sign) if can't tell? I mean I don't blame you, at first I couldn't but then after having a good week or two now, I can see finally make shape of it lol. Really fortunate and blessed overall. πŸ™

A much closer view