Wednesday 23 May 2018

Whoop- Post Exam relief (1st year done!)

I can safely say 1st year is banked in! πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
For the first time in forever, I know that I did well in exams in a sense that I don't have to retake any exam modules lol. know in your gut that there weren't any question left out and you know how to answer them to your ability! Hehe

To award this amazing feeling, I decided go out (Day out = Celebration- 1st step to be outside in the world!!) and to meet up with a friend, named Rachel, whom I made in the anime society.  (I tried to take part as much possible, as I know somewhere down the line like 2nd year onwards I won't be able to take part or maybe not at all haha).

So anyways, I met up with Rachel to have good ol' chat when she then introduced to me into one of her society, the pool club. They really are friendly and so funny! I won't forget this day :'D

I would type out the whole thing but think to sum it all at the moment, I'm just going to insert the picture to show how much grateful and happy I was on that day! πŸ˜„

That Day made me laugh so much, oh my godddd!!

I probably shall insert clips to commemorate and show how funny it actually was πŸ˜‚

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