Monday 9 September 2013

Results + Summer Hoilday 2013 including Malaysia and Hong Kong Trip 2013

Hello Everyone and to My dear blog ( lol, I'm not sure I'm sure if I should address this blog to everyone seeing how there are literally no one reading this...haha I'm joking! Anyway....),

It has been-again- a very long time since I have made an entry to this blog. So this time, I am going to confessed. Long story short, it was because number 1, I have been too lazy in the very past past, number 2, I have exams- GCSE to be exact- and some courseworks which took up most/lots of time. But of course I don't want to put the entire blame on purely just exams as you can see I am very lazy...yep I admit it :( so you could say in conclusion it was mostly because I very lazy..God...I made this post look so childish, lost and lonely hahaha ||^_^ but don't worry I'll end this part of the post on a good note. :) so....GUESS WHAT! I have got lots of good news to bring! Yep...lots of them....I have recieved my GCSE grades and I have got... 2A*6As and 3Bs. I am satisfied with it so..Whoopee~ :).Yep, I guess you are reading this and you're facial expression must be like o_0...Well although I am very lazy but when it comes to having an offical exams, you just gotta work your butt off which is the sad reality really. I mean there's no more having a child-loving side you anymore, you just got to grow up and be independent. I really hate that partly because now I have freaking A-levels to do (arggh >:--(which I know isn't compulsory but it is a pain in a backside as somehow the society expects you to do so and when I mean by somehow, there are other ways you can do except a-levels which is either apprenticeship or foundation and as far I am concern, they are for people who would like to gain a certain skill + studying the core subjects and wants to get a headstart in what they want to be. But unfortunately, I am one of those people who doesn't know what they want to be so therefore I have been forced to do A-levels even though people says it isn't compulsory....

So anyway, enough about me blabbing/ranting on and on. This post isn't going to be entirely about me moaning about my laziness/ hard work or my little rejoicing moment- I can assured you of that- hahaha...It is about the time I have spent for summer hoilday at 2013 :) (Yeah, now this post is going to get lively!)

So during my summer hoilday, I have been through lots of fun and special memories that has been a joy. So here's how it goes:
At the end of June and at the beginning of July, I went to see a live production of Princess Mononoke by Wholehog theatre at Diorama theatre as well went with my friend to partake in a Japan Cultural event called Hyper Japan. It was awesome!
In August, My relatives came from Malaysia to London to attend and celebrate the wedding of my cousin, Jojo and her Fiance's wedding. They finally got married. It was indeed a day to remember...
It was very grand and there were quite a lot of people that have attended. It was held at Hampton Court Palace, UK. The lighting and of course the place itself had a romantic and glamorous feel to it through the use of the colours, violet and pink. The cuisine there was really grand; it had a mixed of Asian (Chinese+Korean) and Western taste. I have to say for me western food was definitely something, especially if it is something you don't eat occasionally. In addition, there were lots of dancing and music playing. The DJ, however, was quite unprofessional which was quite disappointing as they not only arrived really late but had played the songs in the wrong orders and what's more, they chosen the songs that weren't selected by my cousin, the bride. Other than that, I have to say it was a great and memorable time of our life. My favourite part of the wedding in London was dancing (obviously)   I saw my cousins including the bride and the groom and their friends dancing to LMFAO- Party Rock Anthem.
So I would like to say- this is for my cousin Jojo, Thank you for inviting us to your wedding. I can see your dream has come true and all the delicate work that been put into it has pay off. May your path together as husband and wife be a happy, lucky and prosperous as you go along. Big Congratulations! =D
So right after the Joyous occasion, two days later, me, my brother and my mother went to Malaysia for holiday to partake my cousin, Jojo's wedding again which was a week later but this time it will take place in Malaysia. The wedding in Malaysia was quite different as this time, there were much more people (mostly my relatives in Malaysia) and that the food served there were mostly Chinese. It was grand but not as grand as London one I guess ;p. Again, I have to say my favourite part for the wedding in Malaysia was also dancing. The dancing in Malaysia was different in contrast to the performances in London, it was somewhat calm. The party rock athem was once again performed by original team, my cousins but this time with the rest of my other cousins. As well as there were a performance led by my aunty (bride's mother) and her team dancing to the korean version of the dancing queen. Moverover, there was also a performance performed solo by my cousin brother. It was fantastic! :D
 Once again the joyous occasion was again coming to an end and that was when my trip to Hong Kong has begun.

Day 1- (30/08/13)- My Mother's birthday :D

We all, my aunties as well as my mother and my brother, took the AirAsia Flight to HongKong. Our first day at Hong Kong ended on a slightly a bad note. Firstly after we have arrived at Hong Kong, we took the Airport express to Kowloon station and from there we took the Free shuttle bus (K5) taking us from Kowloon Station to to our hotel. It was a 5 star hotel but I can't seem to placed my finger on it - *edit: I found out that it was called the Royal Plaza Hotel. Along the way to our hotel, I saw things that I would never have come across in the UK. The lifestyle in Hong Kong is so compact and quite stressful to be honest- The small narrow streets and small built houses that placed on it. This, to me, is intriguing. Back to the hotel, as it is 5 star. You'd expect to see some luxurious facilities which I did. The bathroom window is transparent in which you can literally see people showering in there naked! LOL! But luckily there is a switch which you can switch it on and off so that you can prevent those peeping tom from peeping ;P. Anyway, all I can say is the hotel is amazing as you expected. The hotel not only is luxurious but is also providing you with convenience. The hotel is interconnected with shopping malls and restaurant. What more could I say....After exploring the hotel and the shopping malls, we decided to meet up our old friend of ours, Roby, at one of the restaurant in the hotel :)).
 It's been about a year since we last saw him. I missed him especially his jokes and accompany. That aside, I'm glad we are able to meet him and whats good was that he decided to be our tour guide for the next few days or so. ^_^

After a quick meal, We including our tour guide, Roby, head back to hotel room to have a celebration of my mother's birthday. It was one of the sweetest moment. After the birtdhay celebration, We the immediately decided to go to have a look at the Avenue of Stars which was located along the Victoria Harbour waterfront in Tsim Sha Tsui. We took lots of photos especially with our hands in the pavement. It was a magical moment. We took a lot pictures of the celebrities that had their handprint  embedded on the floor and we had a very fun time maki for sure that I had a very good time,
At night, we took the public transport (bus and underground tube) to make our way to the "ladies" night market ( Mong Kwok Shopping Market 旺角女人街)and saw some cool items as well seeing the billboard that advertise "king/ queen of tutoring"- it was bizzare! However the mood was spoiled by some grumpy and rude seller at one of the stall. He was incredibly rude to my aunty who just poorly placed her bag on the items his selling; she was waiting for my other aunties to finish their shopping. Damn him! His rudeness will never be forgotten. >:(

It reaches to nearly end of the day and before we know it, it was already evening. It was this evening that we decided to have a chance to eat try to at a local Hong Kong diner that our Local tour guide had recommend us to eat. It was nice.

Day 2- (31/08/13)

In the late morning/ afternoon, we decided to go and have a look around at different types of  shopping area available during the day.
Roaming around the different shopping district was definitely something to take note of as we had fun taking bit and pieces of images.
In the evening we took the taxi to go to see the "The Peak" which was located at the old peak road. We took the lower peak tram terminus for a scenic ride on funicular up to the The Peak. It was fun and funny at the same time as Roby told my brother and I to the "Michael Jackson" Thiller move on the tram as gravity no longer seem to enforce us. 
The night scenery was breath taking as we look beyond the horizon- definitely one of "my seize the moment to remember" day. I just love night view *starry eyed*
After the scenic night view, we head back to try one of Roby's recommendation of Hong Kong Desert. Again, it was nice.

Day 3- (01/09/13)

We decided to take a trip to go see the Tian Tan Buddha (Big Buddha) which is located at Ngong Ping, Lantau this time without our tourguide, Roby. In order to see the Big Buddha we to take the cable car. In the cable car, The sceneries was breath taking along the way- we saw people taking the alternative route which was hiking their way to go to see the big buddha, the different mountains that surround the big buddha. 
Once we reach the place, we decided to keep the best till last as we went to explore different parts of area (Ngong Pong Piazza, Ngong Ping village, Po Lin Monastery) before going to the Big Buddha. However the day didn't go as smoothly as it goes as my mother ended up being sick by having this sudden dizziness and migraine - she ended up vomiting. I felt a twinge of uneasiness and a slip of anxiousness as they starts to kick in....
Nevertheless one of my Aunties, brother and I still went up the stairs to pay our respect to the big Buddha. I took alot of photos featuring my aunty, my brother and I. It was great fun especially when I had to take a image of my brother "cosplaying" behind this Bruce Lee photoshot.

At the end of day, I was glad to found out that my mother was feeling much better although I still feel somewhat uneasy once this sort of situation happen, it could happen the second time. It turns out that it could be due to the high pressure that cause her to feel the sudden dizziness and nauseous.

Day 4 (02/09/13) (Half day at Hong Kong/Half  day at Macau)

Last day at the Royal Plaza and it's finally time to check out. We check out our belonging in the morning and left it at the hotel for the timebeing. After doing that, in the morning we decided to go to one of the temple and pay our respect to the gods. After paying our respect to the gods, we decided to try one Hong Kong Dim Sum for lunch! :))- It was good.We then took a boat on a ferry to go to Macau. By the time we arrived it was already in the evening, we had look the various types of buildings. I felt that it was not much different to Hong Kong....
We arrived at our new hotel, this time it was only a 3 star. Still I feeling content and grateful as ever as we now have place we can stop and rest.
After unpacking our items, we then had a look at Macau's specialism: Casino. The first one was Venetian. We had stop by at  Venetian via the free shuttlebus. Although, it was something that I feel it shouldn't be encourage. I was nonetheless intrigued upon entering by the elegance it holds and the exterior design- The power of richness through the exquisite lighting and the thoughts of being able to dress smart and elegantly somewhat excites me (maybe this was due to the fact I saw it when the sky turn dark). Coming out of Venetian and outside of it, you can also see another casino at the opposite: Galaxy Macau. The exterior view was amazing, much more impressive than Venetian I have to say.....
Once we left Venetian, there's also this other casino we decided to drop by to compare the atmosphere. From the looks of it, I don't think this one was very extravagant- maybe this one was outside near the streets? I don't know but it was good nevertheless....
Oh Did I forgot to mention, there's this really nice bakery shop at some alleyway which sells this really nice bread. It was sooo delicious! :DD

Day 5 (03/09/13) Final Day

It's our final day at Macau before we leave, we decided to take a look around at the Coloane Square/ Senado square. From what I heard and research, Macau was once colonized by the Portuguese and as proof the Coloane Square was one the parts. It was interesting. We went to look around how the surrounding was decorated and at the same time did some shopping.


Overall I felt my trip was enjoyable. I really thank my mother for this wonderful and memorable trip. Next time when I am older I would like to go there again maybe, but that will definitely have to wait. Hahaha....

Oh and I would to thank you to those from read from from the top till the bottom. I have to admit this this is was too long to read and even as a writer of this post I feel tiring to read it let alone you! ^_^
So,if you managed to read it to the're the awesome as it shows that you have some patience! hahaha...
Anyway till then, 再見 (in cantonese: joigin)

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