Saturday 8 January 2022

2022 New Years Resolution!

Happy New Year Guys!!

What another Year, as one would hope each year to be better but as usual lots of stuff seems to cockblock or at least keep on happening haha 
My brother seem to contract COVID this week- Now that is new!- What a way to start off the new year haha - awaiting PCR test as I type! 
Enough excuses, I do not want to let that or any other things stop me especially writing or doing this! 
I've always seem to stop Mid-track or like cba to say/do what I want to do. 
(I have a dissertation that I must focus as we speak!!!)
Hence why instead of my 80 New Years Resolution that I did previously, Here's the link down below: 

 I shall only perhaps do like in form of 5 Goals for now~ probably much more realistic and also (as you know I am now officially 25 haha)


1. Let's really start the Bare Minimum 😂- Let's try not to Contract COVID!! 
1.1 Survive!! Like Mentally. Not just Physically haha
(((ok now everything after this is somewhat maybe optional; it also relates to the below video --)))

2. Expressing myself -> I seems to be very bad at expressing my ideas and thoughts. How do I improve this?  (Blog/Journal/Diary?)

3. Be more impulsive/ decisive for good reasons (Think of this like the CD register; gotta do it now! ) 

4. Understand that when you are in a relationship- know that do you like the YOU that is in the relationship!(((That is the key point!!)))

5. Stop comparing yourself with others especially within relationships in general (Friends/Best Friends) 


Additionally, Today in this post I shall include a video which is starring Jenn!
OMG, do you not know much this video resonate me haha ; When she uploaded this that is when I felt like she truly is a star. She hit all the key point and is so relatable haha

As in these Questions are literally what I question to myself almost everyday haha (especially the one with the if the relationship I'm in is a waste of time now quite recently) 

And so I shall embedded this video here, as not only as reminder for myself but also for anyone who does read this blog post of mine hehe

Hope you like it and enjoy! 

Friday 7 January 2022

Happy NEW Year! 2022 + Reflect/Recap of previous years especially 2021

 OMG can you believe it's been three years since I have last made my New Years resolution?!

I am quite shock how the times fly by real quickly especially with that New Years resolution to which I believe it was in 2019 since I last did one haha

So, the juicy part- Was there any progress you may ask? Well as much as it is quite hard to believe, there are some it seems! Out of 80 I think I mostly achieved 20, which is still progress on the bright side but knowing me my pessimistic self will say that is like 1/4....of the whole friggin 3 years!! Hahahaha Not complaining but just having a bit of laugh is all. 

I really ought to change my pessimistic way of thinking hehe

Anyways, What were the progress I have made so far? Sadly I haven't been keeping track of these goals which ironically was part of my new years resolution. That said, I think I have accomplished some as mentioned above. Here are the details below:

7) Keep all your great relationships

10) Catch yourself when your moods starts to go downhill and try to turn things around. Placebo thoughts

(This too, shall Pass!!)

11) Learn to recognise when you're having anxious thoughts

20) Spend time with Friends 

22) Be more thankful everyday

23) Seek Help


26) Give in to Cravings

33) Get a Job (Part-time/ Full-time)

37) Handle things as they come without worrying too much

38) Become better Adult

47) Speak in mostly Mandarin and Cantonese with my parents

50) Be more aware about tense muscles in my face.

51) Prioritise ergonomics so we can be less sore pls.

52) Be more aware about tense shoulders. 

55) I like the me recently that's been more impulsive/ definitive for good reasons. (i.e. "This really good ice cream place closes in 30 mins...If we all get in our cars right now, we can make it. LET'S DO IT... EVERYONE GO GO GO GO") More of that! :D

72) Stretch more often

77) Give my friends a lot of messages? Because who doesn't need a message?!

80) Keep supporting my k-pop and j-pop faves!! and to watch anime and/ or K-dramas- SUPPROT! Procrastination- Change that.