Thursday 31 July 2014

Scotland- Edinburgh & Glasgow on 28th-30th July 2014

Hello Guys,

It has been a while since I have written a blog about my entries on Travels.
The last entry was my travel to Malaysia as well as to Hong Kong, wasn't it?
Well this time round, we didn't go to back to Malaysia nor did we get to go to visit any of the Asian countries sadly.
But instead.....My whole family (Yes, this time my father is included), went to visit our neighbouring "country" which you could say was: Scotland! Yeah~

So Basically, Here is how our Journey to Scotland goes:

Day 1 

In order to go to Scotland, we had to take a train from our home. As we lived in Central London and Kings Cross was the nearest Station to take, We took a Train from Kings Cross to Edinburgh.
From Kings Cross to Edinburgh, it was about a 4 hours long journey. There we stayed in a small local resident flat (who used it as a way to rent it to those people like us to say in for holiday) and from there we unpacked our cookery which would allow us to sustain for 3 days and 2 nights.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Camping at East Grinstead 23-24th June 2014

Hiya guys,

It's been a very long time since I've written a post in which I realize I didn't even write the 2014 new year greeting ^_^||, Sorry~
Ever since I entered sixth form ( That's right! Time flies ^_^ I'm 17....), I have been busy for the past few months as I've started doing A-levels- It has been hectic with full of ups and down which I don't want to write it all down here-it'll ruin what I'm going to write in the first place, the memories of the fun and wonderful time I spent whilst camping. So shall we start? :))

Day 1

We departed by using a coach from behind the back of my sixth form (an academy) at around about 9:00am ish. The journey lasted about 2 hours. It truly was a beautiful day. The weather was magnificent and the sun was shining. The sun's ray beam upon us and there wasn't a single cloud to be seen as far I can remember, it was a hot sunny day! Whilst sitting in the coach with my earphones on, I saw quite a few airplanes flying, one of them I have never seen before- 2 or more airplane flying pass by beneath each other- It was an amazing sight. Another was when the coach was going uphill, I could see the beautiful scenery being put into displayed with the sun shining behind the beautiful country houses. 

Once we passed through the beautiful scenery and the highway, we finally landed at the campsite at around 11:00am. It was really beautiful! The luscious green grass that surrounds those green tents as well the refreshing smell of woodland air! I could see the sweet serenity it brings. For second, I could imagine myself doing all sorts of the handstands and cartwheel! Hehe....
 We took our lugguage/handbags to the allocated site that our teachers told us and met with the team of campers from the company called trecko, who will be guiding us and providing us full of activities for our trip which is for 2 days and 1 night.
We didn't even have time to unpacked or even change ourselves properly for the activities we were to be doing-we were told to quickly get organized into teams and then from there we went straight ahead with doing activities. My team (group 3) went with rock scrambling first.

 Rock Scrambling was quite hard I have to admit. I thought it would be easy but it turns out not so, (you'll find out why, haha...) anyway with rock scrambling I had a fun time. In the scorching heat, we did all sorts of things like having to climb up the rock and slide down from it, jumping from rock to rock and we even we down this into this small hole and went through this small tunnel. It was tiring but amusingly interesting! It was at some point during this activity, that I sort of sprained my left foot. It didn't really hurt at first instead felt like some part of the bone around the ankle was disconnected. I could still walk properly but little did I know that it was just the beginning....

 Next was abseiling. This I found it fun as well but it can be kind of boring once you have to do it for 2 hours! Hahaha, some of my teammates including me managed to do 4 times of abseiling whilst one of them only did once. Soon enough, My teammates were really bored to the point where they threw the ball to the against the wall that was used to do rock climbing :D. I guess they find it really boring and not very challenging. The lady instructor who was in charge of the abseiling could see that and was feeling abit sad that no-one wanted to this activity anymore and so had to reduce our time to doing it for 1 hour and a half. I would of perhaps do abseiling one more time, for the 5th time to be precise but then I felt this stinging pain in my left foot and before I knew it I was too sore and painful to do anymore. Once the 1.5 hour was up, it was time to back to our tent for a break. I tried to walk fast but the pain was seething through. Some of my teammates and the lady instructor could sense that something was not right and that I was really behind. They asked me if I was alright and offered to lend a shoulder but I told them I was fine. Once we reached back to the campsite, I quickly asked for an icepack. This immediately ease the pain.

Next was Jacobs ladder, this activity I find it quite scary as you'll be doing this climbing and standing up on top of the log from high above. It's an activity in which requires teamwork in a trio with your fellow teammates. At first I didn't want to do it as said from above and also it was partly due to the painful left foot. However, I told myself and I know that somewhere within me I didn't to leave this place with regrets of not having to try any of the new activities. In the end I went to do the activity, it was as said scary but with the help of the two teammates who were with me when we were climbing up the ladder, the encouragement from my teammates and the leader of this activity, "Bruce", I managed to do it.  It felt good! :D
At the end of the activity, my teammates insisted that I should take a piggyback from them. At first I didn't want to but with their reasoning I ended up giving in and going behind my teammates back. It was very nice of them!

Lastly before the end of day 1, we did a night hike. It was a beautiful night to do a night hike, thankfully throughout the whole day there wasn't any sign of raining so doing night hiking was a good experience. Although my foot hurts, I wanted to join the night hike. I've always wanted to do the night hike. Actually my purpose of going to this trip, was to actually experience the joy of walking in the night. Before joining this trip, I thought it would be going through the mountain and seeing what it looks like from above and the night time scenery but it turns out to be different as we walked in the woods. Hahaha, after all what can you say when you're in the camping near the woods. Nevertheless I enjoyed it! Along the walk, there was this beautiful scene of red sun. A guy named Andy whom was one of the camp helper said that this was a rare scene to come across and of course I took a picture of it! I talked with is Andy guy and it turns out he was one year older than me (18years old and here I thought he was older than me like 20/22..¬_¬ haha), he said he didn't know what to do at around 16 years of age but he does know he wants to get into work. I then asked him what field is this and he said that this is an outdoor career. We ended up talking for quite abit along the way and he told me all sorts of things such as how in this woods you could see the bats and do motorbiking if we were to do it here....It was pretty cool and interesting.

After the night hike, there was this campfire being built. It was amazing but I was too tired so I ended up taking a quick clean up (shower etc), packing up my clothing (knowing that I will probably take quite a long time) and preparing to go to sleep. As I was taking a shower, I could hear the people cheering and laughing, I wanted to join but I was too slow go and do it which in the end I didn't joined....
During the night, it was freezing I couldn't get any proper good sleep. :(
Day 2

As I didn't have a good proper sleep, I woke up at 5:30am along with the others. Quickly I took a quick change of clothes and brush my teeth. After all that is done, I had a quick run-through in my backpack and packed things along the way.

At around 8:30 ish, we quickly get changed and found out what our activities will be. Group 3 which is my group will be doing kayaking.

Next was problem solving. This consist of jumping on the rope like Tarzan, using our teamwork and our brainpower to solve things.
I found this quite interesting as we learn to work as a team, see each other strengths and weakness and learn to co-operate them in our work.

Leap of fate (jumping to the triangle): This was to be our last activity before we leave. Now this activity I find it scarier than any of the activities we've done so far apart from the Jacob's ladder. The fact that we have to stand up from the small platform and jump from it was scary. Of we had the safety harness but the fact that we have to stand up from the small platform makes me feel scared.

Overall I found camping to be fun and enjoyable :)