Monday 21 December 2009

Christmas and New Year is coming!

Christmas is coming in a few days time and I have something very special to show.
Can you Guess??

That's right, It's........... * Drumroll* SNOW!

This Video, that I am about to show you, is very cute e-card that has been sent. Here, Take a look.... =)

Saturday 24 October 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween is Coming!!

Disney Myspace Graphics

Disney Myspace Graphics

Saturday 3 October 2009

Mid Autumn Festival

Hey, Everyone!
I've a some news to share :)

Today it will be about Mid autumn Festival, I had this topic last year. But I don't think anybody can remember- I will put the link up later on.

Mid Autumn or Mooncake Festival

The Mid-Autumn or Mooncake Festival falls on the 15th day of the Chinese eighth lunar month and it has been delayed until October this year because the lunar calendar needed to catch up with a double-Seventh month. It is celebrated to signify the end of the harvest season. As it is associated with paper lanterns, it is also called the Lantern Festival.

<- :-p="" about="" any="" autumn="" comment="" festival-="" got="" if="" it="" just="" mid="" okay="" question="" really="" s="" span="" style="font-weight: bold;" that="" you="" yummy="">


Monday 31 August 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday mother!!

Monday 27 July 2009



Hi everyone!

I haven't type a single thing here on bloggers since a month or more.
So I am here write a trip of swizterland. So be prepared!!

Day 1: Gooodbye London, Hello Switzerland!! :D
--->Arrived at the Zurich Airport, taking the tram to our Crowne Plaza hotel, Got a bit lost :P
Look around Zurich, finding a place to eat, so we found a restaurant to eat, ate cheese fondue :S

Day 2: Still staying at Zurich, Looking around Bahnhofstrasse and it famous places. Taking a train to Lucerne and taking a boat to go to the mountain Pilatus.

Day 3: This time checking out from crowne plaza hotel but going to a hostel in interlaken-which is balmer's herberge- taking lunch in there. Taking a train to Zermatt. Looking around Zermatt but not going up the mountains.

Day4: Still in interlaken, Sighting seeing the scenery. Going to the market shops. Later on going to Jungfraujoch - Top of Europe. It was a blissful day!! :D

Day 5: Preparing to leave Switzerland going back to london DX * Boohoo* T___T
Going around Interlaken shops to get some souvenirs before we leave. I got some Swiss made watch which will remind me of the nice time of my family, uncle, Anunt & cuz being in switzerland. So Goodbye Swizterland, Hello London!!

Sunday 21 June 2009

Happy Father Day

Today is father day, I would like to say a very happy father day to my father and wish him the very best day! :D

Photography Graphics

Saturday 6 June 2009

Monday 25 May 2009

Monday 13 April 2009

Paignton Trip

On Friday 10th of April, Me, my dad, my mum, my little brother, my cousin and my mum's friend son decided to take a day off to go to a place in Devon. Paignton is a nice town next to Torquay which you can see the view of the sea.............Here one of the Pictures: ( Nice One!) :P

<--- and="" br="" cruise="" ferry="" for="" get="" our="" railway="" small="" station="" steam="" the="" ticket="" touring="" train="" we="" where="">
The Journey took us about 5 hours ,its suppose to be 4 hrs 1/2, but unfortunately because of the traffic and the confusion of how to get there we eventually arrived there about 5pm, so we wasted our first day looking tired, lost and couldn't do the proper sight seeing, only a little( it was getting dark, thats why we couldn't do any proper sight seeing.) Heres our Plans: 1st Day: Wasted 5hrs of getting lost in the motorway, no sight seeing ..... going to see our hoilday Caravan. 2nd Day: Getting ready to go out, go to the Railway Station to book the tickets on the Steam train, Small Ferry and a touring Cruise. Get a look around the town, went down to Torbay (not Torquay!). At the Night, Went down to the Club to see a live entertainment show. The Kids also get a Kids club, swimming pool and see gets to see a rabbit named Loopy.

3rd Day: In the Morning, Go to the Hill top to see a the lovely view of the sea and you could see below the Steam train making a high pitch sound, Later on after going to the hill, We decided to go to Plymouth. Halfway down the road, we stopped by to see the car boot sale and soon after, carry on our journey to Plymouth. Around Plymouth, My Mum made a new friend in Plymouth and told us that Torquay have a wonderful beach. Soooo, we went back to all the way to different towns and got a little lost and confused from all the way from Plymouth, but it was fun anyway, we couldn't find Torquay so, in the end we gave up and went back to the caravan. :(

4th Day (Last Day): On Our Last Day, We decided to go to Torquay again, On the Way we saw the Hot air Balloon, My mum ask them whether it is avaliable for all of us to go, but to our dismay, they said due to the windy weather and for health & Safety, they will not allow us to go on the Balloon....... :(
Anyway, We carry on touring Torquay and vist the indoor & outdoor Market. We were strolling down the market to see the sea and the market food. Then we pack up and eventually left to go to back to our HOME SWEET HOME.
We really enjoy coming here and hope to go there again.....

Sunday 5 April 2009

A British girl name Daisy opens a website called ‘Kids Chinese’.

Daisy learnt Chinese since her five years old and when she’s fourteen,she past Chinese in GCSE with A* score. With the support from her family,she started this website in latest January.Now thousands of kids was taught there and more than 500 schools are interested in the project.Her great effort had been praised by Prime Minister of UK.

Daisy still intends to open another new site to teach chinese people, english. I think it is a great idea for daisy to do that.

Sunday 22 March 2009

Happy Mothers Day! MUM!


It's Mother Day, today! Just Want to say a very happy mother day to my mum! *Big Hug* 
(I'm Embarrassed),
Oh....I just found this poem on web! Here it goes:

Roes are Red, Violet are Blue,
Sugar is sweet

and so are you!!!

From: Adeline (me) & Gaudi (My little brother)
This page is dedicated to our lovely mother

Friday 6 March 2009

All about................

Sorry for not upadating that much to the site.
Have I ever told u that good things comes round when you do good things and when you do bad things, bad things comes round.
Anyway here where I am going to tell you 2 stories.........................
My mum was in the bus stop, She saw an old man was in front of her and suddenly a piece of money dropped in front of her. She was surprise to see the money dropped but in the end she decided she would pick the money up for the old man. Anyway, later on in the day, When she was shopping, A lady suddenly callled my mum that she had accidently dropped a money, she was shcoked but took the money.
The second story that I'm going to tell you is about how thing you lost, will come back to you eventually.
On Wednesday 11th of March about 7:30 ish, Me and my cousin were in the room sorting out her luggage, the suddenly my cousin was like
" Hey, Adeline ( that's my name), did u lend me the mp3 last time?"
and I replied, " Er....I don't think so, But did it get there?"
She replied to me, " Yeah, how did it get there? anyway here you go!"
I was sooo happy that I want to cry!
" Oh my god! I've been finding this for like....3 month....What a relieve! I thought I lost it or it was stolen o-or........" ( To be honest, I actually hid the mp3 so that my mum won't figure out that I was listening to it, so I ended up putting it somewhere and eventually forgetten it)
Hehehe! That was cheeky of me! :P

Sunday 25 January 2009

Chinese New year! 新年快乐!

Last year was the year of the Rat, Now this year is the year of the _____.
Hint: Helps works on the field.

The answer will be at the end ------------>Today is the New year eve and tomorrow will be the first day of the new year. So everyone is getting ready for the new year and cleaning the house. Putting red clothes on, preparing An Pow (red Packet) and loads of sweets and goodies!! Hm...Yummy! :P

Every year the Chinese new year will last about 14 days appox. So..........I can't wait until tomorrow or so ^_^

Anyway! That's about it actually! I really do wish everyone a happy chinese new year!

Answer: OX

Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy 2009


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¨°º¤ø„¸ HAPPY NEW YEAR ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨

Happy New year! This year will be 2009! Yeah! ^^

On Monday 29th of December 2008, Me, my aunt , Uncle, my mum and my brother decide to take a visit to the Winter wonderland in Hyde Park. It was Wonderful! Me and my brother really enjoy it! But most of all the rides, my brother and my mum (but my mum got a little dizzy :p) went on the carousel and I, get to go on the wave swinger! When we were just about to finish, We saw lots of cute stuff selling in the market. ^^ Waah....What a Day!